Chapter 11

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A/n Yo, I'm back. How's it going?

I hope you enjoy this chapter,, especially since I couldn't resist calling Umbridge, Umbitch like twice.

A couple walked along the corridors of Hogwarts, their hands clasped together as they talked. Well, the girl was talking animatedly, waving her free hand around, while the boy listened intently, gazing at the girl with a fond look.

"I mean, as soon as I see her toad face, it's like an uncontrollable urge to rebel takes over me," Y/n said.

"My fighter girl," Draco hummed, his thumb caressing the scar on her hand.

The nickname had been coined when she kept disrupting DADA to fight with Umbridge. Draco claimed that she had always been a fighter; he had said something about her always being ready for a fight. When she had disagreed, he reminded her of that time in fourth year when almost everyone was shunning Harry and she almost punched a kid in the face for bullying him.

She glared at Draco, remembering his words.

"I'm not always ready for a fight," she muttered stubbornly.

In response, Draco lifted the hand in his grasp.

"I will always defy evil," he read aloud obnoxiously, just to prove his point.

It was a tad dramatic but she had been feeling particularly petty when Umbitch told her to write, 'I will not disrupt class'. She always wanted Y/n to write the same thing so she always wrote down the same thing - it just so happened that it wasn't what Umbitch expected her to write. She took satisfaction in how her face would twist in displeasure.

Draco dropped their hands back down, swinging them with a stupid, smug grin on his face in an attempt to make her smile. She felt her lips quirk up before she huffed.

"Come on, there has to be at least one rule you want to defy?" she asked playfully.

"First of all, you already know I hate all of those stupid rules as much as you do. Second of all... there is one rule that comes to mind," he said with a smirk.

"Which one?"

He dropped her hand, only to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her flush against his side.

"Girls and boys must be five feet apart at all times," he mocked in a high-pitched voice.

She turned away so he wouldn't see her smile.

"You're so cringey, Dray," she said, feigning a wince.

"And yet, you still asked me out," he said smugly, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

He let go of her waist and grabbed her hand again.

"You still feeling rebellious?"


"Let's go snog in front of those rules," he said, pulling her along eagerly.

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