Chapter 9

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A/nI seriously need to go back and edit my previous chapters.

Warnings for this chapter: swearing and mentions of underage drinking

The need to spontaneously combust had never been stronger. Just what the hell was going on with her? Why was she being so nice to Malfoy? Why was she smiling at him? Why was she starting to feel comfortable with him again? She was going insane. Whatever was going on with her, she needed to put a stop to it. She knew better than to lower her walls for him ever again.

Luckily, she didn't need to worry about Malfoy for the next few days because they wouldn't be meeting again until after the holidays. Except he suddenly thought it was okay to approach her in class. He even tried to greet her at lunch the other day. She didn't know what he was expecting, just because she helped him didn't mean that they were okay.

Then why did her heart ache when she saw his smile drop? She really wished he would stop approaching her because she didn't know how many more times she could watch the hurt blossom across his features. It was his fault, really. How could he expect her to be anything less than cold? They weren't friends anymore, and they certainly weren't dating.

Her feelings were all over the place and she couldn't pinpoint why that was. One thing she knew for certain was that she didn't want Malfoy anywhere near her unless absolutely necessary. Come to think of it, she was actually quite miffed that he thought everything could be fine and dandy between them after what he did to her.

She wasn't one to usually hold grudges but for this, she absolutely would.

Speaking of grudges, despite Ron's mood brightening because he had a girlfriend, he had yet to apologise to her. She wasn't sure what the delay was because, according to Harry, he felt very bad about what he had said to her. She was beginning to doubt his words as more and more days passed by without an apology.

Besides Ron's mood being better, something new that occurred was Hermione's pettiness. Since their celebration the other night, Hermione had decided to be just as petty as Ron. When they weren't making snide remarks at each other, they were ignoring the other's existence.

Harry was distraught over the fact that they all may never be friends again. At the time, she had scoffed at him, assuring that things would blow over eventually but even she was beginning to doubt her words. They had all been friends for years; they'd been through so much together. She had thought that the bond they had was unbreakable - was this really what would tear them apart?

"Please no," she said. She was currently sitting with her face in her hands, shaking her head. Y/n and Hermione had been spending most of their time in the library, working on the coursework the professors had given them - that was where Hermione had decided to tell her horrible news. "Please tell me you didn't agree."

"I'm afraid I did," Hermione said sheepishly.

"Why? Why would you ever agree to go with him?"

"Ron hates McLaggen. It's really going to rub him the wrong way."

"I know he hurt you," she said hesitantly, "but is this really worth it?"

"Yes, it is," Hermione said sternly. She resisted the urge to shudder, the cold look on Mione's face reminded her of herself.

"Still, I can't believe you agreed to go with Cormac McLaggen of all people to Slughorn's party," she said, her face scrunching up in disgust. "The guy is a douche."

Hermione sighed, "I know, but it's not like I have to kiss him or anything and it's just one night."

She must be made of something stronger than her because she would most definitely not be able to handle McLaggen, even for just one night. The guy was so pompous and full of himself. Y/n wondered if he'd be capable of having a conversation that wasn't about himself. She wasn't sure that Hermione had thought this all the way through. She had to commend the girl for going to these lengths just to piss off Ron.

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