Chapter 23

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A few years later

War Hero, Y/n L/n, rising Quidditch Star

Y/n L/n (20) famously known for being one of the people to aid Harry Potter in ending the Second Wizarding War, has recently signed a contract with Holyhead Harpies as their newest Chaser. Sources say that talks of her joining the team have been in the works from before she even left Hogwarts though neither she nor the Captain, Gwenog Jones, have confirmed this. 

It is a little surprising to hear of L/n pursuing a career in Quidditch, though there is no denying that she had a talent for it in her schooling years. However, it was speculated that she might pursue a career in Law, some thought as an Auror, others speculated as a defense attorney. 

L/n has recently emerged back into the wizarding world after two years along with her long-time friends, Harry Potter (20), Hermione Granger (21), and Ron Weasley (21). Unfortunately, the Daily Prophet could not get in touch with any of them to comment on what they were doing during that time but that makes the news of L/n's debut much more exciting. Many people are dying to find out when any of the four war heroes will break the silence but for the time being not a peep has been heard out of any of them. Maybe the mystery will be solved once L/n finally plays this upcoming Friday. 

That is not to say that nobody has spotted L/n out and about the town in recent months. Sources have spotted her with many friends, more specifically, alone with Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Colin Creevey. Could a possible romance be brewing with any of these men? Though, it is a well-known fact that she previously dated infamous Draco Malfoy, it is believed that they fell out of contact in their sixth year. 

She made an appearance at his court case two years ago, shockingly, to come to his defense but the two did not interact then. She shortly disappeared after the infamous Malfoy court case. 

Rumours about Harry Potter and Y/n L/n being a couple are not new. In fact, these rumours date back to their sixth year, however, sources confirmed that this was around the time that Potter began dating Ginny Weasley (19) (who is also making her debut with the Holyhead Harpies). It is not far-fetched to believe that the two finally found their way to each other in the mysterious two years they were away. Some have speculated that they even got hitched - 

Draco folded the newspaper with a sigh. Even after going through a second Wizarding War, the Daily Prophet was still the same. The article had caught his eye when he saw her name and he decided to read on, but, predictably, the Daily Prophet was more interested in baseless rumours. 

He yawned, lifting his arms above his head as he stretched before he rubbed his tired eyes. Training to be a Healer meant that he had a lot of late nights; he was just glad that he had asked for this day off. He fixed his gaze on the cup of black coffee in front of him, lifting it to his face and letting the steam warm his cheeks. Staring blankly ahead of himself, he took a huge whiff of the coffee before downing the whole cup. 

Even though he had taken the day off, he still woke up at the crack of dawn. He had big plans today; plans that he had been looking forward to for weeks. Plans that, now that he thought about it, kick-started his system and put a pep in his step - or maybe the effects of the caffeine were starting to kick in. 

His parents had gone away for the weekend so the manor was completely absent of sound, save for the noise that he made, obviously. He didn't mind all that much, going about his morning routine peacefully. When he was finally dressed for the occasion, he took a walk out into the garden to his favourite spot. 

He allowed himself to take in the crisp morning air, coming to a stop in front of one of the many daffodils. The flower bobbed gently as he caressed a petal with his finger. He released a slow breath, a small smile peeking out from the corner of his lips before he was even done. Then, he apparated away. 

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