Chapter 7

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A/n There's not much Draco in this chapter but there is some mention of him here and there.
As always I have used italics way too much. I am also finally figuring out the right spacing for the chapters. I'll go back at a later stage and fix the spacing in the other chapters.

Hope you enjoy :)

In any type of relationship, there are bound to be spats. Her friend group was no stranger to them. She remembered in third year when Ron and Hermione weren't talking for a while, or fourth year when Ron and Harry weren't speaking. Even she and Hermione used to butt heads early on in their friendship. So, she wasn't sure why she didn't expect there to be any big conflict between the four of them this year.

It shouldn't have come as a surprise when Ron started acting cold and mean to Hermione, yet it did. Ron and Hermione had become exceptionally closer this year; she and Harry getting caught in the middle of one of their moments one too many times.

So, Ron's sudden indifference not only hurt Hermione but confused Y/n. Harry knew what was going on, she noticed his guilty look when Ron behaved poorly towards Hermione but when she tried to ask him, he became tight-lipped and acted just as confused as her.

The past few days had been spent with her comforting Hermione and getting into screaming matches with Ron. One of their fights turned particularly nasty, ending in a horrendous way. It happened after Transfiguration.

Hermione had just hurried away after she had attempted to speak to Ron again and was met with another hurtful and snide remark. Most of the class was still packing up, talking about what they would eat at lunch, but Harry had been quicker to pack up his stuff and hurry after Hermione.

He had hesitated to leave when he saw the look on Y/n's face but she had given him a nod because she wanted to have a chat with Ron. Sparing the two a last wary glance, he left. Other students were still leaving but she noticed Professor McGonagall had already left.

"That was completely unnecessary, you know," she said curtly.

She noticed Ron's shoulders tense but he didn't say anything. She was fed up with his behaviour; she wanted answers. She gave up on packing her stuff as she turned to face him completely.

"Alright, what the hell is your problem?"

He mirrored her actions, looking at her with a wild look in his eyes.

"My problem? You're the one picking fights with me all the time. I can't bloody catch a break!"

She couldn't believe her ears. The nerve he had!

"I'm the one picking fights, hm? Maybe I wouldn't have to pick fights if you weren't in such a foul mood. Maybe I wouldn't fight if you weren't so rude to Hermione!"

"Maybe you should learn to mind your own business," he spat.

"So I must just ignore when my two friends are hurting?"

"Two?" He sneered. "What makes you think there's something wrong with me?"

She deadpanned, "You've been in such a bad mood. Obviously, something is bothering you." He averted his gaze. "Just talk to me."

He swiftly picked up his stuff and stalked out of the classroom; she hurried after him. She caught up to him, huffing as she walked beside him.

"You knew, didn't you?" he asked quietly.

"Knew what?" she asked, confused.

"You probably did. Bet you all had a good laugh about me being the last one. And you couldn't even give me a heads-up about Hermione. Some friend you are," he said heatedly.

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