Chapter 4: Part 2

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A/n I wanted Draco's pov for this to be a bit more detailed but this turned out way longer than I intended it to be.
It seemed to have a mind of its own. So this covers third to fifth year and by now we all know what happens at the end of fifth year. So please don't kill me! Haha
I also feel like my writing was a bit stiff at times but I was also just very excited to get this chapter out so yeah

here you go

The following year was a little different.

Draco's summer had been spent in quiet contemplation. At the time, her words hadn't really left any lasting effects. He ended the previous school year mourning the fact that he and Y/n would never be friends let alone become a couple. It was quite clear that she would never like him. He thought that was the end of it for them and he didn't give her words much thought after that.

Yet, her words came back to him early on in his summer vacation when he heard his parents discussing how Potter had tricked his father out of a house elf. They spoke in a way that put them above Potter and the house elf.

Usually, he wouldn't think much about it, he was raised to believe that purebloods had the highest status in society, but then he thought about what she had said to him. Surely purebloods were superior... right? And what did she mean by saying that he wouldn't ever understand?

Draco couldn't get her words out of his head. So, before he had even realised it, he began paying extra attention to the way his parents and the people around them spoke. Oddly enough, he even started putting himself into other people's shoes whenever purebloods around him spoke about others whom they deemed as less than them.

The more he found himself doing this, the more uncomfortable he grew with the way people spoke. He couldn't understand why he was uncomfortable though. The language used around him was still the same as it had always been. However, a clear image of Y/n giving him a disapproving look would pop up sometimes.

So, by the time third year had rolled around, Draco was a little different. On the train ride to Hogwarts, his friends badgered him about his change in demeanor.

"Are you still moping about last year's brutal rejection?" Blaise asked. Pansy elbowed him in the side for his lack of tact. "What? I didn't even say her name or mention the fact that she refuses to acknowledge his existence!"

Theo rolled his eyes at his friend's thick-headedness before Pansy whacked Blaise upside the head. As the two squabbled, Draco turned back to the window watching the rain pour outside. He frowned when the train started to slow down. They couldn't have been at Hogwarts yet.

"What's going on?" Pansy asked as she got up to peek out the compartment door.

"We can't be there already," Blaise said.

Pansy turned back towards them about to say something when the train came to a stop with a sudden jolt effectively slamming the door shut once more. Draco saw Pansy stumble before they were suddenly submerged in darkness. His friends started bickering as Pansy tried to find her seat but it stopped abruptly when the temperature dropped.

Just as Draco's eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw a looming, hooded figure pass by their compartment. It was quiet for a while as they all sat with bated breath for something to happen, then the lights came back on and the train started moving again.

He could see all his friends mirroring his terrified expression. The buzz of chatter slowly started up again and it didn't take long for Daphne Greengrass to come into their compartment to fill them in on what had happened. Apparently, dementors had been on the train and one of them had entered the compartment that Harry Potter and his friends had been in.

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