Chapter Fourteen

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Gomen~ mina i have been caught up with personal issues and life that I have forgotten to update this chapter as an apology  I will be updating two more chapters after this so please do look out for the update. Also wanted to ask you guys if I made a cross~over with my favourite anime with boboiboy or ejen Ali will you read it?  now on with the story!!!

Haruto and Rudy would be seen as embarrassed Ali trying to get his boyfriend away from his cheeks. "Okay, okay, that's enough, Khai, i know you missed him, but he still needs to recover. With you doing that, he can't." rudy said as he pulled Khai away. "ugh, I forgot how fucking clinging he is when he doesn't see me for a while," Ali whined in thier private mind link, while Haruto would giggle slightly in the link at how cute they are. He decided to close his eyes and rest.

Seeing Haruto asleep, he looked at the two of them, " So what did we miss during the six months" he wrote. " Not much, just the usual training and trying to find you two. Are you okay, Ali?" That question made Ali freeze that he didn't even know that his eyes were tearing up till Khai wiped them away and rudy hugged him. He would shake his head, not trusting his voice right now. "Ali, let it all out," Kai said as he hugged Ali, letting him cry into his shirt while rudy tried his best to rub circles on Ali's back to help calm him down.

After a good solid hour of crying, Ali would have clam down and given a weak smile to his lovers and gave an annoyed glare. "Stop Fucking making me like this, guys. It freaking embarrassing," Ali would write down in his notepad, showing them as he tried to hide a blush.

" But you're cute when you're like this, like a cub," Khai said as he ruffled Ali's hair.

"And we are not going to stop till you are all better and happy," Rudy chipped in as he did the same as Khai, which caused Ali to try to swat thier hands away.

"Anyways, it's time for us to go. Visiting time is almost over, and you need rest, so night, cutie," Both said as they left the room to let Ali, who was blushing and slightly smiling.

"your right, ni~san, to tell them about our past. I'm sorry for what happened to you. It's all my fault," Ali said in thier link, knowing his brother was awake the whole time. "your Lucky I'm on a different bed than you, Ali. If not, you have gotten a knuckle sandwich," Haruto replied while slowly opening one eye. "it's not your Fault at all, Ali. It mines and only mines itself, nothing else got it!" Haruto continued before he could be interrupted. "Fine, when do you think we can leave this place?" Ali asked. "maybe two weeks, give or take. also, it's good to see you opening up to them." Haruto replied as he gave a smile to his brother. He then falls asleep, seeing as Ali and he is pretty tired.

Two weeks have past

Ali and Haruto could be seen in their room waiting for thier uncle to pick them up and bring them back to thier home. "ugh, I can't wait to do training again." Haruto said in thier link as he stretched his body a bit, but not too much that it would rip his stitches off. " didn't the doctor say no hard training for a month? Knowing you, you are most likely doing that." Ali asked as he shook his head. Both were wearing sweat pants and a hoodie about starts reference. " i know but didn't say i can't do jogging or other light exercises. It's annoying that we can't speak for another 3-4 weeks due to the severe damage; if we do, it strains terribly," Haruto spoke out accidentally and regretted it as he cringed in pain.

Meanwhile, with Boboiboy and the elementals

"Guys, hurry up. We need to get this house spotless when they arrive. Also, Uncle Bakar, shouldn't you already head to the hospital to get them checked out? " Boboiboy said as he and his friends were cleaning the house. " oh, your right. Come on, Khai, we better get going before Ali and Haruto decide to check themselves out and leave the hospital with thier bags." Bakar would say as Khai followed him towards the hospital.

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