Chapter sixteen

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Once at the depo, a few blocks away from thier target

"Okay, here's the plan Bakar, Rudy, Ali and Alicia. You four will enter the compound, i be with you guys but in the shadows. If all goes well, we can find out what happened to the security system and team and get back by daytime," Haruto said the plan as they were near the compound.

While looking, all would be on guard for anything that might happen. Bakar thought, "Wait, three of them can work together. What the hell is going on? it is good that they can work together without fighting each other throats" "Wow, this place is deserted, no people around, machinery working robotically, it's kinda cool." Ali said out loud since so far. They didn't see anything suspicious "Even with I.R.I.S, you can't tell the obvious how you got recruited." Rudy remark.
While walking ahead with them with Alicia, who kept quiet. "Ugh, that guy, uncle, why the hell did you fucking choose him to partner with us?" Ali said in an annoyed tone. "Welp, there goes that quiet," Thought Bakar. "The mentor wanted you and rudy and Alicia to do this mission together to learn from each other and hopefully get along." Agent Bakar said as he held Ali's shoulder. "Only if you knew uncle," Ali mumbles to himself. As he said that, he felt his arm slowly start to burn. "Ni~san, they here!!!!!" Ali said in thier private link as he quickly ran towards where Rudy and Alicia were with Bakar following him, questioning why he suddenly ran almost as fast as zass.

"Ugh, why do we have to act mean to Ali," Rudy said as he groaned when out of hearing range with Alicia. "His orders he not ready to tell people he is tech, but i think he might. Have to soon by force." Alica got into her battle stance with a weapon out. As she saw someone lurking in the shadows that didn't match up with Haruto—seeing this, Rudy got ready as well. As slowly, the shadow figure shows themselves. Standing on the balcony was the traitor that Alicia hated to the core.
"After all you did, you still dare to show your face, Traitor!!" Alica said as he tried to launch at her but was stopped by Ali's raised hand. "You, so you survived," Ali said with venom and a clod tone, ignoring Jenny. Alicia and Rudy were shocked at how cold and vicious his voice was. "You seem to stay the weak, useless sugar freak. Did your brother finally slice himself for such a failure of a brother he was? " the shadow figures mock. "No, i am still very alive, and at least i not like your dead brother who can't even protect his younger siblings. Show yourself, Victor, no point hiding. "Haruto spoke as he came out of the shadow he was hiding, also glaring at the shadow person.
They slowly came out, revealing a short, trim black hairstyle that defied the gravity of who 5'4 /163.8cm tall teen in a black and light brown suit. His face was covered in a mask covering the bottom half of his face, revealing his brown eyes. "Jenny, stop this. Please come back to M.A.T.A," Bakar begged, not noticing the situation they were in right now. " Uncle, no time to look at your crush. Get Alicia and Rudy out of here while we distract them. Activate Protocol Alpha," Haruto said in thier mind link, which surprised Bakar as that code means that all agents need to leave and only the core leader and thier prodigies can stay. "what about Ali?" came from Bakar.

Still, before anyone can answer, "No, i not leaving him with that bitch, i want payback for what he did."

"First of all, language, and second that so sweet babe but you too far behind thier league to fight them," Ali said in a severe tone with no arguement. "Get going before they decided to attack" Ali could not have finished that sentence as he had to push Rudy while Alicia got pulled by Bakar to doge an incoming swarm of microbots. "Get the fuck going once i throw the Flashbang!" Ali said while equipping the tec super-suit.

Once done, he quickly put his hand behind him, grabbed a Flashbang, and threw it on the ground. Once the Flashbang exploded, Ali and Haaurto made thier move as quickly ran where they came as Ali was dragging his uncle. "Ali, you have a lot of explaining to one we have done with the mission," Agent Bakar said. " Yeah Yeah, whatever," Ali said in an annoyed tone. "The portal is opening now. Once it doses, you three enter it. Got it! We still need to find out what happened to the system and guards."Haruto said when he was done, a portal opened.
Haruto quickly Threw Alicia and Rudy in, while Ali did the same with his uncle once they entered. The portal closed as they had to evade another round of Mirco bots. As they faced the new enemy, it was a tall man not more than 5'7/ 170.18 cm tall, wearing a haze mask suit and rebreather and a big backpack on his shoulder. Both Siblings evade another attack before Haruto takes out an Emp gun and shoots a few rounds at the man. For it to hit the Mirco bots, Ali quickly attacked the now slightly defenceless man, only to have to cross his arms to protect himself from an energy blast.

"Thank god my suit was equipped with that energy shield. If not, I would have been poorly wounded." thought Ali as he saw Jeeny, aka Cinco. "wow, what a greeting, O~Ne~san, you lucky i got my sui. Iff not you have NI~san wrath," Ali said in thier link. "that why I did it and hello Ali~chan, Haru~chan i see someone have his memory back. Now to serious business, we are in big trouble. The snakes had captured djin's son and killed him after forcing Dijin to work with them, and now he is under their control. We don't know where he is, but we are trying to find the location. Haruto, later i be sending what we have about where He could  be." Cinco said but stopped by Haruto as she was giving punches and kicks toward the kids who were dogging with ease as she defended Ocho. "O~Ne~San, I doubt that he lived. They wanted to make him like Ali and me if they had him. Only 2 out of 100 make it out alive. If He did make it, they would have threatened him if he didn't follow. They would kill you guys or us. The worst case is his memory got manipulated. It's a slim chance we can save him, but we can try." Haruto said.
Haruto could not have dodged it in time due to his condition. A kick to the stomach by Victor caused him to slide a reasonable distance away from Ali as the microbot was functional again. Without further order, the microbot surrounded Ali and slowly started to crush his body while victor kept Haruto busy. Ali was trying to struggle but could feel that most of the healed bones were being broken again as it became hard to breathe. While distracted, he didn't realise that a small microbot had planted a bug on Iris. When he was nearly about to pass out from lack of oxygen, he felt the microbots being disabled as someone caught him and passed out.

Boboiboy only saw red as he held unconscious his sugarcoated little brother, bride Syle. Once he lays him on the corner and makes sure his protected by Halilintar, he is about to attack the person who hurt Ali. When he saw Haruto bleeding badly, his suit distorted and unconscious, dragged by a badly injured victor. "You're choice either get them to the hospital or chase us and let them die," Victor said as he threw Haruto into the air, knowing that Boboiboy only had two elementals with him, and two of the fastest couldn't chase them when his family is dying. Boboiboy quickly changed to solar and caught Haruto. Once he got them, he saw that they were gone.

Solar quickly took off with Halilintar towards the academy with thier powers. Once he reached his destination, he quickly ran towards the Stage 3 Medbay, where most serious wounds were treated. Inside was Geetha waiting for him and Duri, who promptly took both Slibings away from each element and started treating them. At the same time, both Elementals were kicked out and waiting outside.

After an hour

Boboiboy would be seen waiting outside with his two elementals. They were pacing around while Khai and rudy were doing the same. "you guys know that pacing around in the hallway will make some people sitting dizzy, right?" Duri came out. As he looked at the situation, the rest of Ali's friends were unconscious from seeing how five people were walking around.
"Oops, sorry, how are they?" Boboiboy asks. "They not doing good almost flat line twice if it weren't from the azurim. But we managed to pull them out from a critical condition with my plants, but i don't think it works again. They now wake and wait for thier boyfriend to get in and be careful would thier wounds. Both somehow managed to reopen thier stitches and add a few more new wounds while at it. thier going to need an oxygen mask to breathe for a while since thier ribcage is badly damaged." duri said as he quickly let them go in.

In the medbay

Ali and Haruto would groan as they felt thier whole body aching as they had an oxygen mask on. They heard thier room door open and saw thier boyfriend, who came in with sad and angry looks. "Umm, sorry guys," both siblings said sheepishly. "We are going to make it up to you, we promised," Both said jointly. "'Yeah, we hold you up to that once you're healed," Boboiboy said as he sat beside his while Khai and rudy went to Ali. "We heard you guys almost died twice. What happened," Khai and rudy said. "Haruto and I threw you guys into the portal as they are part of the snakes the group we used to be in. We almost died twice due to the lack of blood for our healing factors to work on the significant injuries. Plus the lack of sleep as well." Ali said as he yawned. Haruto was doing the same. "You guys get some sleep. We will check on you guys tomorrow morning, okay." The boyfriends said as they kissed thier forehead and left to let them sleep. 

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