Chapter Twenty~One

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"Ugh, i swear that mother nature hates me."Though Haruto, as he was still being carried bride~style by Boboiboy. "you know that if have told you that day, you guys would not have followed on with my training plan, right." Haruto said as he looked at his boyfriend. Boboiboy was contemplating why he didn't notice the sign as he was almost as observant as he and solar.

"Well, number 1, you've been avoiding me a lot after what you did. 2) we know each other long enough to know what the other people think and act, bobo. That's why I'm able to hide it from you", Haruto said as he snuggled into his boyfriend's warmth.

Boboiboy would sigh as he smiled. Seeing that Haruto was finally able to be like this with him again was something he wished for after that day. "true true, i know your reason, Haru i just wish you trusted them enough to tell us and me." Boboiboy said as he looked at Haruto, who had already fallen asleep as they reached thier tent.

With Ali and the agent

While waiting for the rest of his friends to complete thier trials, Ali was busy on his phone as there was some urgent business he needed to settle with his secretary. "thank Diana for informing me about this issue me and my brother will look into it once we are back from our vacation anything else i need to know before i end the call?" Ali asked as he received a no and a sorry from the caller. "You don't have to be miserable, Diana. It is the right thing to do to inform me about the issue. When i get back, i will talk to them with my brother and tell them they are suspended till we come back i don't want any more private information leaking out," Ali said as he ended the call once he heard the reply and goodbye. "ugh I too young to deal with this shit." Ali mumbled as he threw his phone into a nearby wall in frustration.
Which scard Alica who was just a few inches away from the spoiled phone. "Oi Ali, watch where the fuck you are throwing your stuff. It almost fucking hit my head," Alica said halfway before he felt she should run for her life right now. When she turned around, he saw a grim reaper coming for her life as she quickly poofed away from the control room. As Alicia was running for her life, she bumped into only a few people who could calm him down when he was pissed.
"Khai rudy, thank god for your here. Ali is more pissed than before, and i don't know why. He just suddenly threw his phone near me. If it wasn't for Haru's training, i might be in the med bay right now.

Both people were alert as they saw how Ali was when angry and quickly ran toward Ali.

Once both agents entered the control room, they saw a pissed Ali trying to calm down with a stress ball Geetha gave him while nursing agents baka and Leon attempted to stop Ali from rampaging. They quickly went towards Ali and hugged him. "Hey, calm down, li li tell me what happened that made you throw your phone," Khai whispers into Ali's ear, which gets a response he wants a blushing Ali who is not angry. "Stupid workers, some wanted to rebel against Haruto and me from being the company's new leaders.
One of them sold private information to them. Now they have a way to fucking make the thing that could immobilise Haruto or me as we can with them," Ali said in an annoyed tone, but with Khai and rudy hugging his frame and rubbing his back.

"mmm, "Ali slightly moans as he snuggles into the hug blushing at the sound he made. "aww, our lion is slowly being a cub again." Rudy whispers into Ali's ear seductively but stops when they hear a cough from agent bakar.

"You guys do know that Ali can get pregnant, right, so no too much that till you're an adult," Bakar said. "Uncle!!" Whinned Ali as he hid his face with his hand while his boyfriend blushed and was shocked. "wait, you can get pregnant. How?" Khai asked, as he was the first one to process the information

" umm, due to the need for reproduction without wasting money or kidnapping children and the risk of the organisation being found out. So when they test thoses who survive through the process, they inject a drug that can make men able to reproduce like women as well," Ali said as he shook out the fear as he remembered that day. Both rudy and Khai could hug Ali while cruising in thier mind at Haruto's family organisation for hurting him and Haruto.

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