Chapter seventeen

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Haruto was seen on the bed, resting, trying to have a decent sleep, but it was hard to when there was a lot on his mind. But after slowly counting and humming an old song, he fell into a peaceful sleep. He was not expecting that few people would come to check on them.

once morning came

Boboiboy, Gempa, Khai, and Rudy would slowly enter the medbay. Once they joined, they saw a cute seen Haruto snuggling against Ali in a brotherly hold while Ali was leaning on his brother's chest, snuggling back. They quickly took a picture and slowly walked towards them as they efficiently carried Ali back to his bed, not knowing that it slowly woke Ali up. " Khai?" Ali mumbled still sleepily, "yeah, it's me. Just go back to sleep, Ali," Khai said as he let Ali snuggle into him as he lay down on Ali's bed and let him sleep. Haruto would slowly wake due to a lack of heat "ugh, is it morning already?" Haruto's mumbler is still somewhat sleepy.

"go back to sleep, Haru. It would help if you had it," Gempa said as he got into the bed so that Haruto could snuggle up into his boyfriend's warmth. instead of that happing, Haruto would slowly wake up and look at both of them. "I'm sorry, guys i should have been more thoughtful about your feelings..." Haruto said as he flinched at him, trying to hug Gempa and Boboiboy. "And we sorry to we shouldn't have brought the past up when you hated it, but it the only way to let you understand," Boboiboy said as he lifted Haruto to sit on his lap." Yeah, i know i was being a jerk about that." Haruto said. "can you guys forgive me?" Haruto looks down, not daring to look at them and tries his best not to flinch at their contact.

"Haru, we forgive you, but you have to owe us a free do anything when your heal" Gempa smirked at the cute pout that Haruto gave. "Did you guys forget about us being here?" rudy said, which caused three people to blush in embarrassment. "sorry, rudy," Haruto said as he snuggled into Boboiboy's warmth missing this as he slowly fell asleep.

"I'm glad that things are settled between you guys." Khai whispered as he smiled. "yeah, now what's left is for them to heal and train again", Gempa said. "we better get going for training." Rudy said. "yeah, but i can't move," Boiboyboy and Khai said. "We know. Guys, don't do anything naughty Duri and mummy Geetha might come to check on thoses two." Gempa said as he left with rudy.

"I'm curious about something Boboiboy. What did Haruto mean by always hurting people around you when being a hero?" Khai asked, wanting to know the answer but didn't dare ask Haruto due to his mood earlier that day. "Oh, that.. well, during one of the camping trips we rescheduled for the 10th time, i might have seen police chasing some criminals back at Pulau Rintis when i was walking with Ochobot and Haruto towards our meeting place. Haru begged me not to go and let the police handle it." Boboiboy said while stroking his boyfriend's fluffy hai.

"Let me guess, you went and helped them and forgot about the trip?" Khai asked. "Yup, big time. By the time i reached the meeting place when i had remembered, it was nighttime." Boboiboy replied. "I tried to make it up to them, but they were distraught that they left me alone," Boboiboy said. "After that, our teacher was walking by and saw me and tried to cheer me up. After a while, we managed to come up with an idea for us to spend our bonding time. This ended up us finding out about tapos commander, who was disgusted as a janitor on a Power Sphere hunter at the time. We also got Ochobot an upgrade due to the first generation power speare asking him for help and stuff. We almost got away if it wasn't for the stupid alien sniper women who shot ochobot before he could finish the teleport.
We got an upgrade of our power... but Ochobot had to use his remaining life force to do it due to being almost crushed to pieces. Haruto and I thought we had lost one of our best friends. We used that power to defer the hunter and managed to claim back the teleportation power, but we thought we lost Ochobot till he spoke to us again. He said that the first generation who asked our help gave him his life force." Boboiboy said. "I guess he didn't let it go and blame himself for not being able to do more," Boboiboy said as he felt someone hug him tighter.

Boboiboy knew what to do and started to light humm a lullaby slowly. Khai saw Haruto and Ali in a new light. "wow, you guys been through a lot, haven't you" Khai said, not noticing that Ali was awake. "Yeah, we did.." Ali said in a sleepy voice, still slightly wary as he slowly woke up. "Babe, did we wake you up?" Khai asked. Ali shook his head as he pointed to an obvious fake sleeping Haruto. "you not fooling anyone Haru," Boboiboy said. As he heard that, the person gave a cute pout as he slightly opened his eyes. " awww, come on, I wanted to hear more about how you felt about the past." Haruto said. "Fine, Fine, i stop," Haruto said when he received a glare from his boyfriend.

With Gempa and Halilintar

"Today, Training would be in survival and rescue. Listen closely as this is the only time where i explain this harsh training for the next few months. This is to train you guys to save each other or anyone in the case. The snake decides to come and attack anyone of you. Usually, we let Haruto handle this kind of training, but he needs to recover, so this week will be the last time you will have it easy because our fears might have come true, and we need you guys to be the best to handle them." Gempa said.

As both Hail and he got into a ready stance. "today, we will be working on your reflexes till you drop, and next week we are going somewhere to train to increase it."

"Yes, Sir, but what do you mean by your worst fears?" Roza asked, being the only slightly brave one to ask. " That we can't answer without Haruto or Boboiboy's permission," Gempa said. "Enough chit-chat. We will start getting more intense workouts, so be prepared." Halilintar said as he had his trusty lightning sphere.

All young agents had one thought: "We are so dead after this". But they also got into thier fighting stance and got ready for what was coming.

"good, they are learning fast, but let's see how far they can keep up," Thought both Gempa and Hali as they used thier powers for the first time in this training. "we are doing one-on-one, so first up is rudy and me," Gempa said as they got in the middle of the arena.

Once Halilintar gave the signal to start, Gempa would slowly go off the offensive. He began with a few predictable punches and kicks to get warm-up. Rudy easily manoeuvres himself away from the lifts and forces. "is that all you got, Gempa, sir?" rudy said with a slightly egotistic smirk. Once Gempa saw the smirk, he up the training by a lot till it was hard to Manoeuvers around due to him adding a few earth golem, and a random Fist made of dirt came at him. Rudy just paled when he saw the serious face and gulped. He didn't realize what had happened. One minute he was getting ready to manoeuver around. He was hit by a different barrage of attacks that left him unconscious. "Next up is Alicia with me," Halilinatar said.

Time skip after training( sorry, autour~chan deficient with these types of scene)

"Okay, most of you did pretty well against us, even with our powers. Some didn't last quite as long as expected since it was your first time. Well, the rest need to catch up and lower your ego," Gempa said once he saw everyone awake from the training session.

"we will continue this tomorrow, and if Ali and Haruto are well-rested, they will join us on a trip to a place we are training for the rest of the three weeks. So you must have your guardian sign this form saying that you will be going on a camping trip for three weeks." Gempa said as he gave forms to each young agent. "with that done, your guys are dismissed, but you still have your core lessons to go to so cop cop" Gempa said. Once he saw everyone had left, Halilintar and he would go home and start to make lunch for the gang. 

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