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"The unknown killer continues to run rapid in New York City," I hear on my TV.

I entered the house with the mask over my face. Although I know all I need are my bare hands, I bring a gun just in case. I've heard people in America all have guns, so I wasn't going to leave it to chance.

Mallory. That's the name of Aurora's coworker.

I could see it in her eyes that she made that happen to Aurora on purpose. She hurt her.

So now?

She's going to fucking die. 

I spent the entire night with Aurora. Since she gave me her address now I didn't have to worry about accidentally slipping up. I brought her ice cream and laid beside her on her bed until she fell asleep. But I didn't leave as soon as she fell asleep. I watched her beauty for at least an hour, wondering how something so beautiful could exist. 

Her room is light blue. Her cat is white and fluffy. While her home may not be the biggest, it's clean and well-kept.

I'd buy you a mansion, Aurora. On any lake you'd wish. Ocean, even. 

Shut the fuck up, Saint. Don't let Aurora distract you while you do this.

I pick the lock to Mallory's house. 

Anybody that crosses you, Aurora, crosses me.

The door opens and I step inside. The sun has started to rise and the pink shade coats the summer clouds.

Step by step, I walk further into the house. I try and keep my footsteps silent but my black boots against the wooden floor echo.

Humming. I hear it coming from down the hallway.

She must be getting ready for work.

The humming gets louder and louder as I walk down the hallway. The door is cracked open and the light from inside shines onto the floor.

I peek through the crack and see her standing in front of her mirror. She runs her fingers through her hair while smiling at herself.

How could she smile after hurting my girl?

I push the door open and smile widely, "Hey Mallory."

She gasps and turns around, backing up into her vanity in fear. The perfume bottles on it shake and some fall over.

"Help!" she immediately yells.

I stop in front of her.

"That was quite rude," I tilt my head at her. "What if I just wanted a friend?"

She gives me a confused look. Like she's trying to figure out if that was truly why I was here.

"Nah," I shake my head. "Just kidding."

And I kill her. I kill her for you, Aurora. She did that shit on purpose. She hurt you.

And it's my job to protect you.

"Mallory Vlazan was only twenty-seven years old-" I cut the TV off by pressing the power button since I didn't give a shit.

It's time for Aurora to start work. I take a shower, get changed, and spray myself with cologne. Never did I ever give my appearance a second thought, but I wanted Aurora to think that I looked good. 

The sun is bright as I step out into the sunset. 

Is working at this café for different hours every day really what you want, Aurora?

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now