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~ Saint POV ~

"I'm a troubled man,

I'm changed by the things I do

True, but it's funny how they all remember you."

The music plays through my radio as I drive to Aurora's house. Sitting on my passenger seat is her favorite breakfast from her favorite place.

I had given her the night away from me, even though it pained me to leave her. I wanted nothing more than to stay with her, all night, hold her, and tell her just how sorry I am. But I knew I needed to give her some space.

"It all could be different,

Try to do something new,

I've given everything

I want to be a happy man, too."

The radio turns off as I pull my keys out of the ignition once I pull into her driveway. 

I hum the rest of the song casually as if today were a normal day. I enter her house, my nose taking in the smell of laundry. 

I pause walking seeing Blanco sitting in front of his empty food bowl. He meows at me, acknowledging I exist for once.

Motherfucker only wants me to give him food. 

Which I do. I fill up his food and water, and give him a few rubs, which surprisingly he lets me.

I begin walking toward Aurora's bedroom door. I twist open the knob, my heart lifting in my chest seeing her.

"Hey, beautiful," I say gently, holding up the bag of food. "I got you pancakes and french toast."

She sits on the ground, knees pulled into her chest, arm wrapped around her knee. She keeps her blue eyes on the floor, not daring to look up at me. 

"I guess hiding that mask there was kind of a stupid idea, huh?" I try and lighten the mood. But she doesn't laugh or look at me.

I sigh. I take a few steps toward her, and place the food on the floor beside her. But when she doesn't take it, I frown.

"Come on, Aurora," I say quietly. "Not eating only hurts you, please eat."

"Don't tell me what to fucking do," she snaps, whipping her head in my direction.

I simply nod. I raise my hands up in a defensive motion, trying to show that I didn't want to argue with her. 

"How many people have you killed?" she questions, her inner eyebrow turning upward and her plump bottom lip quivering. "How many of them were people in my life?"

"Aurora," I say her name gently, taking a pause in my sentence. "I never wanted to hurt you-"

She cuts me off, shouting and attempting to jerk toward me, "You've killed hundreds of people! You killed Mallory, you killed my friend, you've killed people with families! And now you have me locked in here, prisoner!" 

Her shouting is loud, and as her sentence goes on, tears begin to fall from her eyes. It's a primal instinct for me to make her feel better, so I lean forward, going to wipe her tears.

She moves back, pressing her back to the wall and putting her hand in front of her, "Don't touch me! Don't fucking touch me!"

Her words feel like my blood turns to poison. But I listen. I stay where I am, and swallow my saliva.

I take a deep breath. 

"Aurora, I'm sorry that I've done this. But you were lying to me, you weren't just going to go for a few days," I try and explain.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now