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I scrub Aurora's floors clean. 

I'm working up a fucking sweat. I've been cleaning her place all morning. The floors are scrubbed, her sheets and clothes are washed and put back properly, and I even cleaned her windows.

I pry the gloves that had begun to stick to my hands off and toss them into the garbage can.

The cat still won't look at me. Dick.

I look at the clock. Any minute now.

I wanted her to come back to a clean house. It's spotless. You could eat the fucking cake I baked her off of the floor.

I've been feeling phantom kisses all fucking morning. I want her - no, I need her in my arms. I need to kiss her fucking face and hold her. 

Clementine's death is a ticking bomb. The only reason why her husband didn't find her dead in her bed this morning with a knife sticking out of her skull is because I've actually been in a good mood this morning.

Because I get to see Aurora again.

I've been smiling and whistling while cleaning for the past 3 hours. 

My love for Aurora has bought you an extra day at life, Clementine. How compassionate is that?

My head whips toward the front door when I hear the car pull into the driveway. A smile manages to find its way onto the face of a heartless man.

It's her. 

The door swings open and I look at her, starstruck.

She smiles widely at me, holding her front door open. She drops her black bag onto the ground. Her brown hair is wavy and she wears an oversized light blue sweatshirt. Her lips shine and her golden earrings reflect off the sun.

"Miss me?" she tilts her head and smiles.

So goddamn much.

I rush over to her. I rush over to her as if she were oxygen and I hadn't breathed in years.

I collect her in my arms, holding her tightly. My head hangs into the crook of her neck, and I take a deep breath. Her perfume. 

"I'll take that as a yes," she smiles while hugging me back.

Never again. I can never be without you for so long again.

She pulls away from the hug and it makes my heart crack a little to no longer feel her in my arms.

"Wow!" she looks around the house, her eyebrows lowering as she points to her spotless living room. "Did you do this?"

"Nah. It was all Blanco," I gesture my head toward her bedroom, which is where I think he is.

She laughs. And it makes my knees feel weak.

Her face suddenly lights up, "And do I smell...."

"A chocolate cake that took me forever to learn how to fuckin' make?" I finish her sentence. "No, it's probably the garbage."

Happily, she walks into the kitchen. I follow her. Her hair is cut to her mid-back and her pants are black and bootcut. All of her jewelry is gold because she doesn't like silver jewelry. Just like I thought.

"Oh my gosh!" she gasps, slapping her hands over her mouth at the sight of my horrible cake. "It looks delicious!"

More like it might start blinking but okay.

"I know it doesn't look the best-"

She cuts me off and shakes her head, "No - it looks amazing. I'm gonna cut a slice, and then put my clothes away."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now