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No more killing innocent people.

I no longer need the feeling that taking someone's life gives me.

Because now, I have something worth more.

Something as strong as the gravity that keeps me on earth.

Aurora's love. 

I still can't believe it. I'm an awful man. I'm worse than the goddamn dirt on the bottom of Lucifer's shoe. I've broken hearts. I've killed. I've slaughtered animals. 

I've lived my entire life in a tiny dark alley with no way out.

But now, there's a light at the end.

And that light is a life with Aurora.

It's so close I can feel it. See it. Taste it. We're together, and she loves me.

It's like an angel loving a demon. But it gives me hope, that I can have a happy life after all. I never thought I'd get one. I spent my entire life feeling nothing besides a tiny, distant feeling when I'd crush someone's soul or even just outright take it. 

But Aurora makes me feel. She makes me feel so strongly. I really believe that now, I'm not destined for a horrible and young death that had been coming my way. She's guiding me to the end of the tunnel. To a life of peace. 

I owe her my life and my heart. Both of which already revolve around her freckles and blue eyes. 

My knuckles ache and it feels like I've been doing this forever. Aurora's father asked if she could go out to lunch with him, and I wasn't going to waste this alone time.

I've knicked myself countless times and the red marks on my hands prove it. These things are too goddamn small for my big hands and it took fucking forever to learn how to do it.

I finally finish and shake out my hands which are screaming from the repetitive movements. 

Setting the items down beside me, I look at what was on my lap. 

When the door opens.

I jump to my feet, and hold it behind my back. Although I'm not complaining that I see Aurora walk through the door, my eyebrows pull together in confusion.

"A-Aurora," I stutter, glancing at the clock. "You're home way earlier than I expected."

"Yea!" she says happily, stepping into the living room, toward me. "My dad is still at the restaurant...and since I had told him we've started dating over drinks, he demanded he get to meet my boyfriend over steak."

I try and fight my lips that twitch, wanting to turn up in a smile.

Meeting your family.

"I'd love to," I tell her.

My words make her happy, her smile widening. But then, as she looked at me, her face shifted into confusion. 

"What's behind your back?" she asks me.

I pause for a moment, but then reveal what I had hidden. Her eyes widen looking at the soft white material in my hands. I had knitted her a cardigan, exactly like the one she had ripped. There wasn't a single similarity besides the price tag. 

"You made this?" she asked, nearly in disbelief while taking it from my hands.

"Yea," I nod, and then swallow. "It was hard to learn so I'm sorry if you don't like-"

She cuts me off by jumping up and wrapping her arms around my neck. My chest fills with warmth and I wrap my arms around her back, and bury my other into her hair. I'm able to smell her sweet shampoo and have never felt so at home in my entire life. 

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now