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My knees dig into the gravel below them, my neck still hurting from how he grabbed me by it and pulled me out of the trunk.

The road we're on is secluded. Forests are on both sides. I look up at him, the cloth still preventing me from speaking. Until he reached down and pulled it out. The corners of my mouth burned from it. 

Levi stared down at me. Just being in my presence seemed to anger him. His chest was rising and falling, his cheeks going in and out with every breath. His black hair was messy and strands clung together with sweat. I guess pulling my body into his trunk tired the poor little guy out.

I can't help but laugh. I start laughing, looking up at him. His eyebrows tug together and he tilts his head. 

"The fuck do you find so funny?" he spits, his upper lip curling.

I keep laughing for a few seconds longer, before just staring into his eyes. I don't speak at first, just looking at him like it was obvious.

"Come on, Levi," I speak in a condescending tone. "It's been 23 years. Let it the fuck go, so what your daddy's blind? I've heard it heightens your other senses. Probably makes him feel even better when he gets fucked in the a-"

He throws his fist into my jaw. My tooth feels a sharp pain and the copper taste of blood fills my mouth while my head snaps to the side. I smile to myself for a moment before turning my head to look back at him again.

I knew the story. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

When my father was running the mafia here, he was known for being psychotic. Killing and harming anyone who dared to threaten him, or his wife, who is now my mother. 

Romero. The name of his cousin. He gouged his eyes out for looking at my mother.

And Levi is his son.

Just as ugly as his father. 

"You should watch how you fucking speak to me, Saint," he snaps. His face twists in anger and he bends down to be in my face. "I could kill you quickly or slowly depending on how much of a dick you are. You truly are just like your father."

His words are trying to upset me. To make me scared.

It's pathetic.

He's pathetic.

It's been 23 years.

Move the fuck on.

I smirk in his face. He clenches his teeth seeing he doesn't scare me. He can't make me angry.

His eyes dance around my face. There's dried blood on my forehead and my mouth is still bleeding.

"Okay," he nods. "Okay. That doesn't make you mad? No worries."

Slowly, his lips turn up in a smirk. He leans even closer to my face. His forehead almost touches mine. Behind his eyes is a sinister look.

He leans to my ear and whispers in it, "Then I'll make sure to kill Aurora before killing you."

He says her name.

He says her name and my blood runs cold.

He pulls away from my ear and looks at me with a smirk. He sees this pisses me off. It satisfies him. I clench my teeth that I know are stained with blood.

"Don't you fucking touch her," I cock my head up and spit. "Do whatever the fuck you want to me, but leave her out of this."

His smirk turns even bigger. And he begins laughing.

He stands up to his full height, and looks around while laughing. He rubs the back of his neck and his face turns red from laughing.

Eventually, he stops himself. He looks at me from a few steps away.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now