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The way she scrunches her nose when I say something teasing. 

The way she hums while clipping her hair up in the mirror.

The way she never notices I can see her hiding behind a corner, waiting to scare me.

All of these things are only a small handful of reasons why I'm drowning in a whirlpool of love and passion and I fucking love the way it burns my lungs. I love the way I'm gasping for air when pressing her naked body against the goddamn shower wall and kissing her so deeply to the point where I can't even breathe.

Life is perfect.

Because of her.

I creep up behind her while she makes coffee. The honey-colored sunlight hits her from behind while she pours creamer into her coffee. Her hair is tied up, and still messy from being held in my arms all night.

The second my hands touch her hips and my lips touch her neck, she giggles. She leans back onto me, and I move my hands to her stomach while kissing her cheek.

"Try this," she tells me, turning around to face me.

She doesn't even give me any time to look at it before putting a spoonful of something into my mouth. It's sweet, and a little thick, and she watches me intensely while I swallow it.

"So?" she smiles, tilting her head which makes her bun move to the side.

"It's amazing. You did an amazing job," I praise her. "But what is it?"

Her lips turn up into a devilish smirk. It was something unusal for her, so my interest was grabbed immediately. She turns and dips the spoon into something again, and when she turns around, she says, "Taste it again from my lips, and tell me what you think it is."

She wipes her lips with the spoon, looking up at me with an innocent look even though she knows just what kissing her does to me.

But I lean down anyway, kissing her slowly and gently. I didn't need this much time to taste, but I took it anyway. I grab her bottom lip with my teeth, tugging, and getting all of it off. 

It's like I've been living in my own, custom-made Heaven for the past week. There has been no killing, of any kind. I've been good for you, Aurora. 

I wake up beside her and spend all day with her, even if it means going to her work with her. My heart feels like it beats, and my heart pounds from the limitless amount of feelings Aurora gives me. 

I never want this to end.

I need this, Aurora. I need you.

There's not a single thing in this goddamn sickening world we live in that I care about, besides her. I'd sacrifice everything for her. I'd kill every single person on Earth for her if she asked. 

"Honey and vanilla?" I ask her after holding her lips captured for several minutes as if they had committed a crime. 

"You'd be correct," she smiles.

She turns around, and picks up her coffee mug. 

August has started. In just one month, I'll be returning back to France. As Aurora sips on her caramel coffee in front of me, all I want to do is say, "You're coming back to France with me. My lungs won't work without you."

But, I restrain myself. I don't wanna force it on her. I want her to bring it up. I want her to want to come, all on her own. 

"Saint?" her voice snaps me out of my thoughts. 

"Yes?" I reply instantly. Whenever she calls my name, no matter from how far, I'm always instantly there to hear her. I think I'd hear her from all the way across the fucking county. She's like a siren, she's my weak spot. 

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now