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Look at you, Aurora. Waking up in my bed, being mine.

It's like I'm living in my own custom-made fairytale right now. Everything is perfect.

Her blue eyes crack open, and her plump lips turn upward once she sees me.

You're here, with me. You're mine. I've made you breakfast, and you won't have to work today, so you'll get to spend all day in my bed. I'm happy. I'm living in my happily ever after with you, Aurora.

"God that smells amazing," she smiles, and I hold the plate of food further up for her to be able to see it.

Waffles. Fruits. Bacon. I cooked all of it, for her.

"Just sit up, baby," I say softly. "You don't have to get out of bed to eat."

She takes in a deep breath while she stretches. She pushes herself up, her brown hair wild from her sleep, which made me smile.

I hand her the plate, and she says, "Thank you so much, Saint. I'll need this for work later."

You don't have work today.

While she was sleeping, I snuck out. Went to the café and cut all the wires so that there was no power.

I wanted you to be here, with me. Not at work, when you shouldn't have to. 

They'll call you soon enough and let you know.

"Yea," is all I say.

I hold her hair back while she eats. She wears one of my t-shirts like a dress. The happiness that fills my heart makes me feel like it's actually beating. 

You are not the first girl I've ever set my eyes upon, Aurora. However, you are the only one that has ever mattered.

I've gone my entire life thinking that I was just nothing. That I was hallow. Even though I'd look in the mirror and see a person, there wasn't truly a person there. 

"W-what do you mean we're done?" Anastasia whimpers. 

I don't listen to her words. I lay with my back against the bed, relishing in the orgasm. Although sex and alcohol weren't able to make me truly feel, they awoke something inside of me. Like feeling something was just on the tip of my tongue.

I roll over, ignoring her, as I start pulling my clothes back on.

"S-saint, what are you doing?" she cries. "We can't be over, I love you."

Love. Something I had never felt before, yet found it so easy to make others feel it.

I pull my pants back on, and begin buttoning up my shirt while still smelling like sex.

"Please Saint," she begs. Her cries nearly make me cringe.

You're crying like this? Over someone like me? Over somebody who can't feel?

I finally move my eyes to look at her. Mascara streams down her cheeks. Her bottom lip quivers and her messy blonde hair sticks to her face.

I point to her makeup, "You should go clean that. It looks horrible."

But ever since meeting you, Aurora, I've learned that the emptiness that was inside of me was only there because I hadn't met you yet. 

I love you, Aurora.

Through all of the lives I've taken, all the broken hearts I've collected, all the organs I've stabbed, I love you.

I'd fall to my knees and beg you to love me if it came to that.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now