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Her moans fill the room. Every pant, every breath, every moan, feels like it happens in slow motion. 

The red lights shine down onto her, making her brown hair look black. With every thrust inward, her nails travel down my back, as if leaving her mark.

"Aurora," I moan. The smell of sex fills the air as I go balls deep into her. "Fuck, you feel so good."

Her lips part and her eyes shut as she moans. My hands run along her skin, grabbing handfuls of her breasts and then her hair. My lips kiss every inch of her neck, and she extends it, giving me easier access. 

"Fuck, Aurora, I love you," I say while pleasure coats my face. Feeling her tight warmth around me made my balls so fucking full.

Slow motion moans. Hickies cover her neck where I sucked. I needed to leave evidence of this night.

"I love you too, Saint," she tells me.

That's all I've ever wanted to hear since I met her. A smile turns up on my lips that only smiles for death and Aurora.

"I'm about to finish," I tell her.

My phone buzzes underneath my pillow. I take in a deep breath as the vibration pulls me back into the true world I lived in, although I'd much rather live in the one in my head. 

Getting dragged into the cold and dark world I live in made me curse under my breath. My hand slides under the warm pillow, grabbing my vibrating phone. My eyes crack open and it's still dark, telling me it's before sunrise. 

"Hello?" I say tiredly into the phone. My dick is fucking hard from the dream I had. 

"You have an incoming call from the New York Police Department," an automated voice speaks. "Press one to accept."

My eyes shoot open and I jump out of bed. My feet hit the cold wood and my blankets fall to the ground.

Shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 

Why is the police department calling me at....

I turn and look at the clock above my TV.

3:40 in the morning.

My hands run through my hair. Stress pounds in my body. I've been careful, I haven't left any evidence. 

Just play it cool, Saint.

A button echoes in my ear as I press one. The line rings once.

A sound tells me that I get connected to a real person.

Just play it cool, Saint. Just-

"Hey," Aurora's voice speaks. My panic disappears for a moment but then quickly resurfaces wondering why she's there. "I....may have gone out with my friend and had too much to drink, and now I'm sitting in a cell next to a guy that smells like hamburgers."

Her voice is slow and slurred, affected by the alcohol.

Quickly, I begin throwing on clothes, my shoulder keeping my phone pressed against my ear. 

"Okay, can I come pick you up? Are you okay?" I ask as my pants slide over my legs. I was already grabbing my keys and jogging down my apartment floor before she could give me an answer. 

"Mhm," she drags out the last syllable. "They say somebody needs to come pick me up, so I called you. You're like the person I'm closest with in the entire world."

Warmth explodes in my chest from her words as I step into the grey elevator and press the button to the main floor. I know she only has the courage to tell me this because of the alcohol. But as the elevator starts to move down, I smile.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now