Chapter 10: Same Difference

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—3d POV—


Chuuya regained his vision after he felt a chill go from his lower back up to his head. His head fell as it started pounding. His eyes fell down on an unconscious brunette whose arms were loosely wrapped around his nimble waist. He looked peaceful, his eyes were calmly shut and his breathing was steadying over the few minutes they stayed in the brush of the forest.


—Chuuya POV—

Why do I feel like I've done this before...

This felt the same, not including Dazai still being here after the last minute. But this ability user was almost the exact same as Lovecraft.

I didn't have the time to think about the past as I heard foot steps come in our direction. Could it be the mafia coming to retrieve us? It's not often that Mori sends out a search party for anyone, he'd leave them for a few hours then would consider sending one.

The idea of a search party dropped when in half a minute a pair footsteps didn't change into many pairs. I used my upper body to drag Dazai and I further away from the sound. I couldn't use both my legs, the left leg had gone numb from corruption. I pushed with my right leg and pulled with my arm till the moonlight that covered us was blocked by a canopy of tree leafs.

I waited till I could see any sign of what was walking towards us, but all I could do was listen for its steps. The sound of NL's steps grew closer but I never saw where it was, after minutes of waiting the sound of its steps were out of ear's range. How did it survive corruption? Is it even looking for us? Why have I done this before? The questions rushed through my head almost giving me a headache until I was interrupted by movement from around my waist.

I looked down for a split second to see what was going on before looking back up to make sure that nothing else was on its way into this area.

"How was your nap, shithead.". I didn't get any response so I took another look at him, his bandages that I wrapped around his head were wet and red. He head was bobbing up and down till he could get a hand on his forehead to sooth what had to be a bad headache from the wounds. I moved my hand over top of his own and untied the bloody bandage from his head. I didn't have much to work with so I layed the blood filled bandages on the ground and pulled the arm that had some more bandages and moved them to his head. Dazai didn't move much during the process besides when I nudged him to move and sit up on the trees around us.

—3d POV—

"Corruption didn't work, but it left the area. I didn't see it or where it went." Chuuya said as he finished reattaching the cleaner bandage on to where the cut had been on Dazai's head.

"The fights over, Chuuya. Look at us, neither of us are going after Lovecraft without more information on him.". Chuuya froze, but was hit with a wave of understanding.

"That's why this feels the same!? It's the same as the— wait! So Lovecraft can't be killed with corruption or weapons like bombs..." Dazai nodded in agreement with Chuuya's conclusion.

"We need to get out of here, as soon as possible. In case Lovecraft is looking for us. I doubt it, but still.". Dazai stood up and looked around, he didn't recognize anything around him after being moved away from where he went unconscious. "Where even are we now..." Dazai mumbled to himself before looking down at Chuuya who's holding his numb leg slighty. Chuuya looks up at Dazai with a confused look. Dazai bent down to Chuuya's level.

"What are you looking at shity— GAH!? DAZAI!" Before he could fully assess the situation Dazai had lifted Chuuya up bride-style and began walking. Chuuya flung one arm around Dazai's neck so that he wouldn't fall with the sudden lift.

"Okay you dragged me over here. So where were we before we moved?". Chuuya started to push up Dazai's chin, trying to get down. Dazai still held him until he nearly got slapped across the face. Twice.

"DAMN MACKEREL!! Put me down already!!". Dazai lowered Chuuya to the ground, maybe a little too hard. Chuuya yelped in pain when he hit the ground. "WATCH IT!!"

"Chuuya, please can you work with me for a minute so that we can get back to the car." Dazai said without compression of Chuuya's leg pains.

"Like hell I'll let you pick me up like that.". Dazai only sighed at the comment before turning around and facing his back to Chuuya. "What's this? Silent treatment? Really."

"I don't want to be blamed for your death when you bleed out on the ground before the Mafia's retreaval team comes."

"So that's what this really is. What happened during the last Lovecraft fight to induce this? Got yelled at by that new partner of yours?" A short laugh left him. Like hell that Dazai actually cared, right?

"Just get on... please?". Chuuya didn't move for a moment. He was stuck. Not physically. He could easily pull himself over to Dazai's back, get lifted onto his back and get to the car for supplies. But he was still unable to move in the moment. He heard the crack in Dazai's voice as he said the last word. It made sense if it were from the pain in Dazai's head, but the timing made it confusing. Chuuya regained control over himself and pulled himself to Dazai's back. Dazai lifted him and began to walk in the direction Chuuya pointed to. Chuuya could still move his arms.

Yes, I'm back my fellows! I don't remember last I posted but here, y'all can finally have some more content for the time being :D. I think I have about 14k words on the thing entirely (including the MANY parts I don't have posted) but hey I can't give it up all at once. Where's the fun in that U^U???

Anyways!! Now we're gonna finally get a bit further into the plot that I want this to have, but we all know that I may not keep it ;)

I at a point where I just writing what I think/want for the plot so there isn't much for y'all to worry about yet. Y'all can start to worry when I start to run out of ideas and just start posting to... well... post. O^O

Anyways!! I'm gonna put up one more chapter because I have so much done and would like to be nice today and not leave it at this, enjoy!

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