Chapter 8: Lost, But Suspected

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They're both in the car, now out of the city and further into the wilderness outside of Yokohama. For the beginning of the trip neither said a word to each other, until a huff left the ginger's mouth and he spoke.

"You left without a word, you didn't even think to tell me before you just ran off!" Chuuya said with his narrow eyes still facing the road.

"I couldn't have you getting caught up in my mess, Chuuya. Besides, it was just a car.". Chuuya clenches his hands to the wheel before he could say another word.

"I'm not mad about that damn car! Well not anymore. That car never stopped me from being in an interrogation for hours!".

Dazai turned toward Chuuya. He didn't think that they would really take Chuuya as a suspect, the person that lost the most out of everything. He lost his partner. the one person that he could trust. Chuuya would put his life on the line knowing Dazai would be right behind him, ready to grab his wrist to stop himself from pushing too far. Their trust reached further than just nullifying Chuuya's corruption. They were open to each other. Both their thoughts could be held safely by each other, they'd only speak of it when they were alone and in each other's presence. Chuuya, having lost the person he could trust with the deepest part of himself, was seen as just another suspect.

There are some down sides to no one else knowing that they had even an ounce of care for one another.

"So they really did suspect you. Even after everything?"

"I watched my car get blown up, then got a call from the boss saying to get to the Port's HQ immediately. I didn't know till I got there that I was being taken for questioning.". Chuuya sighed as he made a right turn.

"I'm shocked you didn't just fight them". A chuckle came from the mackerel beside him.

"It wouldn't have helped my story any better. Under those terms it was better to deny what I could and shut up". Chuuya said in a less tense voice. His walls were being chipped away as he spent more time with his old partner. Though they would claim again and again that they hated each other, neither could ignore the peace they felt with each other. A feeling of being a home, a place they hadn't felt for nearly four years. Both felt safe in the company of their partner. The peace they felt was enough to let a joke try and slip through.

"Oh, I agree with you! That was good timing for your reasonable dog thinking to come in!". A smile forms on his face from the insult he'd just thrown.

"Is this some type of bedtime story to you?" Chuuya said, forcing away any sign of a smirk.

"No, this isn't nearly as entertaining.". Chuuya looks over his shoulder to Dazai with a dyslogistic expression, but soon after turns back to the road.

Chuuya makes a sharp right on to a dirt road, they're getting closer to the sight, another section of open forest. Though they need to stay on guard, Dazai doesn't fail to start conversation once again.

"Soooo, when did you get out of interrogation for you to have time to waste yourself on that bottle of fancy wine?".

"I don't know what time it was when I got out."

"Jezz, you had so much you forgot more than just that drinking session. It doesn't even sound like it was a celebration any more.". He laughed again at the thought. "Were you happy I left, or upset!". The only sound in the car was his laughing and the low humming of the radio losing connection. "Well, are you gonna tell or-". Before he could finish the car began to be lifted into the air. Chuuya pressed the gas trying to get rid of whatever was holding them to the sky. But whatever had them didn't let go though getting tire burns.

"DAMN IT! It's got the doors covered." Chuuya said as tentacles covered the car. Dazai pulls out a short black pistol from his pocket and fires two shots into the front windshield. Chuuya activates his ability and punches the widow, shattering the glass. The glass didn't fall at the punch. Chuuya flew out the front window and glass followed.

Shards of the car's former window flew down to the base of each tentacle and cut them almost two to three at a time until the car fell to the ground. The impact caused the airbags to go off and smack Dazai in the face, causing his nose to bleed.

"Rusty much?" Chuuya yelled from fifty feet in the air, steering each shard of glass back to his side. Dazai lifted his head back from the air bag trying to bring himself back to his senses. There was a stream of blood beginning to flow from his nose as he moved out of the dismembered SUV's. He checked the front seat looking for the bomb he had packed in his satchel but remembered.

Shit, I gave the bag to that guard. Guess we'll have to go with plan B, if he can get the glass inside this thing and tear it from the inside out that could be enough to finish it. Dazai left the car's side and ran toward Chuuya, who is above him, driving the glass trying to tear the new Lovecraft from the outside.

Chuuya caught a glimpse of Dazai below as He cut down its tentacles.

"What are you waiting for, damn it!? Toss it up so we can go home already!" Chuuya lowers himself further down to Dazai's level.

"We don't have a bomb, Chuuya!" Dazai said as the ginger reached his side. "You'll need to tear it from the inside out. They said that this one is like Lovecraft, so it's vulnerable from the inside too."

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE BOMB. Mori said you'd be sent with one. What the hell happened to it!!". Dazai tried to stay silent and focused as he watched for signs of NL (new Lovecraft, because I don't feel like typing more than that) to be wearing down. But as he watched, he only saw them in what felt like the same fight. "DAZAI! Where's the bomb!?". Dazai focus broke and unintentionally spat out what really happened.

"I handed it off to some guard at the back gate of the Mafia HQ. I wasn't thinking in the split moment then just left, okay?!". Chuuya looked back down to Dazai, his face somewhere in between angry and confused.

"Since when do you not think?!". Dazai faced back to NL to continue looking for signs of weaknesses from the outside, he found nothing. "Wait... you met with Mori to exchange from the back door. That's why you came from around and not in front of HQ! What the hell Dazai!?"

"I - let's just focus on finishing this." Dazai said as he jumped back to avoid getting hit by the NL. Another came at him moments after dodging the first, NL had now seen him as a part of the fight. Both Dazai and Chuuya would have to watch their backs at all times.

Chuuya started to drive the glass down NL's mouth, once it was inside the glass would spin around cutting into the skin of the NL until it tore it apart into thousands of pieces. Chuuya came down and looked at Dazai awaiting an explanation.

Dazai only mumbled as he walked a little closer to NL, checking for signs of life.

"Talk. Dazai. Why'd you drop the bomb with Mori? Mumbling random shit will get you nowhere with me." Chuuya walked after Dazai but before Dazai could respond a green octopus-like arm threw him across the short opening and into a tree. "Dazai!?...! Gah!". A tentacle ran past Chuuya.

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