Chapter 12: Cops and Mountains

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So..... were on Wattpad and  AO3 now. the skk big bang is on ao3 now, so I can pick this up again. also starting a college AU skk fic this week, so wither you're here or on my AO3 you can read it fine. 

Without further adu!!

enjoy! <3


—Chuuya's POV—

It was a wobbly ride at the start but it got better once Dazai got a better grip. I had the medic bag so I had to keep some bandages within reach if Dazai's wounds or if my own were to reopen. It happened more often than I wished it would have. Dazai sat me down on the side of the abandoned road as he knelt down to let me reattach a bandage to his head. I don't know how he was able to stay awake during all of it. A wound bleeding this much surely would cause someone to black out more than just once.

I tied off the third bandage of the day. As I tied it I could hear Dazai whine. Not his usual whines, like when he'd say that I should just leave one on for the first half of the trip. And I would have done so if it hadn't been for how red it was turning. It had only been about half an hour into the walk when I had to stop him. "Are you finished yet?" Dazai groaned.

"I'm making it a little tighter, hold on.". I pulled the ends away. Making the bandages press against his head. "There, maybe this will help with the blood. It looks like it's starting to stop.". I waited for a response but Dazai just turned around nodding. He was waiting for me to get back on. So I did. Though lovecraft isn't near us anymore, we don't know who or what it is. So it's best to try and get out immediately.

—Dazai's POV—

I felt Chuuya pull himself back on so I slipped my hands under his legs to get a better hold on him. I kept walking the road, making a turn onto another after a few minutes. The way we took wasn't hard to undo. We only made a few turns off the main road. The hardest part is keeping myself awake till we get back. With everything that has happened, my head is screaming.


—3d POV—

They didn't stop for another hour. Besides for a sip of water. Chuuya regained control of both his legs and was able to walk partly on his own. He and Dazai each had a arm around each other to keep each other from falling. "Chuuya?".

"What is it?" Chuuya said trying to keep from bumping into Dazai more than he wanted to.

"Can we stop to eat something?"

"Why do you need to ask? Sure..". Chuuya and Dazai made their way to the grassy side of the road. The sun was soon to rise and Dazai hadn't exactly had anything for the past few hours. It didn't take long for them to make a pile of sticks from what Dazai could find. Chuuya used his ability to get the speed needed to set sparks to a flame. Dazai lingered over Chuuya's shoulder as he watched him press his thumb into the can to create an air pocket. Dazai crossed his fingers for it to be crab. "It's some type of stew I think. That or a soup.". Chuuya's words crushed Dazai. He laid his head to rest on Chuuya's shoulder as he sighed.


"Not every can will be crab"

"Not if they don't put crab in every can."

Chuuya shook his head as he put the can on the fire to boil. Not even a minute passed before. "I think it's done."

"No it's not."

"It looks done."

"It hasn't boiled yet, so no."

Dazai turned his attention away from the can and looked at Chuuya. He was still hanging over his shoulder so Chuuya was unable to see Dazai watching him. But he could feel it. The ginger's features were sharp. Even his hair bent in ways that looked like it had been glued in place by someone. But if you were to run your fingers through his hair it would break apart softly. Something only Dazai had done in the past. If he were to do it now he surely would be eating another fist and not hot canned stew. After admiring Chuuya's features from his shoulder Dazai looked back at the can. He watched a single bubble rise from between the mix of potatoes, meat, and greens. But it didn't stop him.

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