what happened to jk?

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I was sleepy peacefully but then hobi hyung come to call me
Hobi:baby kookie wakey wakey~
Jjk:hyungie i dont wanna go to school (weak&low)
Hobi:baby you okay (check his forehead and cheeks)ohhh you have fever but it's not that much high come on get up fast and go to school(take off his blanket and pats his hip lightly)
Jk:mmm hyung please (puppy eyes)
Well let me tell you jk had fever but not much so hobi wants him to go to school don't get hobi wrong
Hobi pick jk up and take him to washroom brush his teeth give him shower (dont think too much horny it's not good for your health😂jk is his brother that's why he gave him shower and moreover jk is just 8 years  old so it doesn't matter
Hobi pov
I know he will become lazy now as he have fever so i give him shower by myself
Then hobi made him wear his clothes and then left to downstairs
Hobi:baby let's eat breakie
Jk:Okay hyung
Then he eats  breakie and left to school
In School
Jk is feeling so much weak as he have fever his friend beomgyeo notice it and ask
Beom:jk what happend?
Beom:come on let's go to your hyung(he meant to say yoongi hyung as in school everyone  know  that yoongi is vminkook brother)
Then they went to yoongi office
They knock on the door
"Come inside"yoongi said from inside the office
Both of them went inside office
Btw vmin are already in office as yoongi call them as they are not focussing on class they were talking in middle of the class
Jk and beomgyeo come inside the office.
"Sir jk is having fever"beomgyeo said
"Kookie come here my baby"yoongi said
Kookie went to him yoongi make kookie sit on his lap
"You can go"he said smiling to beomgyeo
"Okay sir"beomgyeo said smiling back at yoongi
"Baby what happened?"yoongi said to jk
Jk didnt reply he just snuggled in yoongi chest
Yoongi:Okay lets go to infirmary(to vmin)you2 go to your class and focus on lectures okay (vmin nodded)I WANT WORDS (yoongi shout)(jk start to cry)
jk:hyung don't shout my head ahhh (crying)
Yoongi:sorry baby(while consoling jk)words (while looking at vmin)
Vmin:okay hyung we will focus on our classes(head down & low)
Then they both went to their class
Yoongi pick jk up and went to infirmary
Students are seeing yoongi as he is picking jk but yoongi didn't mind as rn he is worried about his baby(jk)
Both come inside infirmary
"Ohh hello mr min how can i help you"doctor ask
Yoongi:please check him he is sick
Doctor:make him lay on bed
Yoongi did but jk is not ready to leave him
Jk:hyung (low)
Yoongi:baby let him check you i am here dont worry (soft)
Jk nodded
Doctor come with stethoscope and upward jk shirt
He check his heart beat temperature and idk as i am not interested in doctors(computer walay bachay you know😂)
"I have to give him an injection"doctor said
Yoongi:okay you can
Yoongi:it's okay nothing will happen to my brave baby (kiss his cheek)(jk just nodded as he is scared he is just 8 he will be scared)(i am 14 even I am scared of injections so why he can't)
Doctor come with prepared injection
Yoongi pull jk sleeves up
"No noneed for it it is heavy dose i have to give him on his back"doctor said
Jk:no hyungie (start to cry)
Yoongi:baby its nothing aren't kookie my brave baby (I am)(kookie said)
"Okay then my brave baby turn"suga said
He turned jk and pull his pants down revealing  his butt
Doctor come and rubalcohol pad on his butt and injected making jk flinch and cry
Jk:ahhh ahhh hyungieee (crying hard)
Yoongi:just going to done my brave bbay is doing so good (holding him tight looking at the injection)
"Its done please rub for him"doctor said
Yoongi start to rub his butt
Jk:ahhh mmmm (crying hard in suga embrace)
Yoongi:it's okay it's okay
After sometimes jk calm down
Yoongi:come let's go to cafeteria  i will buy my baby banana milk
Then they went to cafeteria jk is in yoongi arm snuggling as he is feeling cold
They come to cafeteria
vmin are also sitting there
They went and sit with vmin
V:hyung you come is kookie okay now?
Yoongi:yea he is kook (kookie made a pout)
Jimin:(chuckle)why is our bunny pouting?
Jk:yaa jiminshiii i am not bunny i am human big human(cutely)
"Ya ya i am not jiminshiii call me hyung"jimin said
Jk:hyung look shorty is saying to call him hyung (while laughing)
Jk:sorry hyung
V:ahhh hyung leave now and tell me why is jk pouting?
Jk:you know doctor give me big injection it hurts here (cutely pointing on his butt)
Jimin:awww it's okay now my bunny will be fine(softly)
Jk nodded
Btw jk is sitting on yoongi lap as his butt hurts cause of injection
To be continue💕

Preview for next ep:
Suga:hi hopa
Jk:Ahhh hyung stop it hurts
Jin:my baby will be fine

So guys i am really sorry i cant write a long part as i have a lil down today
I will try to post next ep soon
Stay tuned
And show some good response
And guess according to the preview
Your wwc author

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