vaccination.2 (part 5)

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Time skips
Now jk is calm but he is sitting on eunwoo's lap
Jimkm told him to sit with him but he don't wanna get up fron eunwoo lap as he got hurt on his butt (remember if don't then read previous part)eunwoo 2 didn't said anything as he also treat jk like his own brother
*in medical room*
"Suga who is left?:principle ask
Suga:sir three of my brothers everyone else is done without them
Okay calm them (principle said)
Time skips
Vminkook come in medical room
Suga:jimin you come first
Jimin:why me hyung first tae na
Suga:stop being a baby my baby come fast
*jimin come and lay on bed on his stomach baekhyun holds his legs and chanyeol holds his hand and suga pull his pants down revealing his right butt*
*doctor come with alcohol pad and run on his right butt and injected making jimin flinch hard and cry
Jimin:ahhh hyung(sobbing)
Doctor:and done(took out the needle and put bandage on his injected area and pull his pants up)
*suga pick jimin and start to rub his butt as jimin is crying a little*
Suga:calm down baby it's done(rubbing his butt in order to calm him)
After sometimes jimin calm
Suga:tae now come fast
Tae:hyung (puppy eyes)
Suga sigh and pick him up and make him lay on bed on his stomach baekhyun holds his legs and chanyeol holds his arms and suga pull his pants down revealing his right butt and doctor come and injected tae making him flinch and cry
Tae:ahhh hyungie no stop stop (trying to moving and crying)
Chanyeol and baekhun tightened their grips on tae as he is moving alot
Doctor:done you did well(take out the needle and put bandage and pull his pants up)
Suga pick him and start to rub his butt after sometimes tae calm
Suga pick jk and make him lay on bed and turn him around and pull his pants down revealing his right butt but suga pull from other side too as he is injured from right sight now jk whole butt is revealed
Dr:mr min why this bandage?
Siga:that he got hurt here silver went inside his butt you can inject on left
Dr:sorry to say mr min but this vaccine needs to go on only right butt
Suga:but doc (takes a deep breath)okay you can inject him there
Jk:hyung no (start to cry hard)
Suga:no baby it will be fine aren't kookie hyung's brave baby
Jk:no i don't want it will hurt alot(crying so hard)
Doctor take off his bandage
And rub alcohol pad on his right butt as soon as alcohol pad touch on jk skin he start to shout and move as it burns he got hurt there na so
Jk:no pls hyungie (crying so hard & taking hiccups)
Doctor inject jk and jk start to scream and cry even more hard dr took out the needle and put bandage on it again
Siga pick him up and start to rub his butt
Suga:done my brave baby(tears in his own eyes seeing his brother in this situation)
Chanyeol notice his tears
Chan:su (suga indicate him to stop)
After sometimes jk is crying hard noy calming
Suga:baby stop crying come hyungie will buy you ice cream
Jk:really hyung?(stop crying)
An:greedy kids💀
Suga:ya you don't say anything to my baby (suga kick an)
Suga:come let's go
Suga turned and see vmin sleeping
Suga:aish these two (sigh)
Suga:tae chimmy get up
Vmin:hyungie let us sleep
Suga:okay jungkook then let's go and eat ice cream
Vmin:no we will also go (shout)
Suga:aish stop shouting come let's go
Jk:(to chanyeol and baekhyun)will you come with us?(innocent face)
"No baby we are sorry"chanyeol and baekhyun said
Vmin:hyungs pls come sorry we meant sir
Bae&chan:its okay you can call us hyung(smiling)
Suga:okay then hyungs lets go
Bae:but (cut off)
Suga:no but(to vmin)now you two get up
Vmin:hyung pick us
Suga:i have only two hands and i am picking jk from that 2 hands so walk by yourself
Vmin pout
Chanyeol pick jimin up and baekhyun pick tae up
Bae&chan:its hyung now let's go
Then they all went to car
Chanyeol sit on front seat with jk on his lap as jk can't sit
Baekhyun sit on back seat with v on his lap as jimin said he is okay now he can sit and suga sit on driver seat
Then they drove off to the ice cream shop

That's it for today
Next ep preview:
Jimin:hyung this one
Chanyeol:come i will buy you this
Jin:you two?(shocked)

So guys guess according to the preview and don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and I will give new and awesome awesome stories

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