night stay.7 (part 12)

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Time skips in house
Btw all of them are home expect of yoonjin but they cant go inside as door is lock
They are waiting for 1 hour but still yoonjin didn't came back
Let's see what is yoonjin doing

With yoonjin
"Hyung let's go to arcade"suga said
"Umm okay"jin said

They both went to arcade and enjoyed alot that they forget the time

Time skips at night
10 pm
All of them are still outside the house
"Ya namjoonah call jin hyung"hobi said getting frustrated by now
"He is not picking what should i do??"namjoon said
"Hyung we are standing here from past 3 hours i am tired now"jungkook said almost in crying tone

Btw baekhyun and chanyeol went back to their home how much long they will stay at someone's house so they went.

"Ohh You all come"??? said
"Hyungs where were you and why are you all injured what happened???"all of them said together in worried tone
"Umm actually first let's go inside"jin said

Namjoon gave support to suga and hobi gave support to jin to walk inside house
In living room
"Now tell us what happened?"hobi said in worried tone
"Ohh that---"jin told them everything

Let's see what happens

Yoongi pov:
We were coming back from arcade but some boys come and made a circle between us
"Hey what do you want??"jin said
"Baby boy why so hurry"man1 said
"Ya mf leave us"suga said in angry tone
And then they start to fight and yoonjin got injured as they are 5 mans and yoonjin are only 2

"Who told you to fight huh?"namjoon said
"So what should we do get beaten by them listen namjoonah we did right"jin said
"Ahhh whatever now call doctor"hobi said
"You know any doctor?"namjoon asked hobi
"I don't know"hobi said
"I know"jimin said
"You who baby?"namjoon asked
"Umm yeah doctor hyunjin yeah i remember when i was sick and jin hyung was out of town then suga hyung take me to hyunjin hyung he is suga hyung and jin hyung friend"jimin said
"Okay baby suga hyung give me his number"hobi said
Suga gave him number

After sometimes
*ding dong*
Door bell rings

"I will go and open"tae said as he went  to open door

After sometimes
Tae comes with hyunjin

"Hello i am doctor hyunjin you all can call me hyung"hyunjin said as he softly smiled

Btw all of them have their dinner outside including yoonjin

"Okay hyung pls check theur wounds"namjoon said in worried tone
"No need to be worried namjoonahhh"hyunjin said
"Wait how do you know my name?"namjoon asked while being confused
"I know everyone of you as suga and jin hyung is my friends so"hyunjin said

"You two are so careless"hyunjin said to yoonjin

After sometimes he bandage their wound and prepare tt shot for both for them

"Jin hyung lay on couch"hyunjin said
"Why?"jin asked
"Tt injection now lay fast no tantrums"hyunjin said
"Ahhh fine tae come here"jin said
"Yeah hyung"tae said
"Hug me baby"jin said as he hugs tae who smiles and hug his big dumpy brother back
Hyunjin pull downs jin's pants and boxers and rub alcohol pad and slowly injected the needle
"Ahhh"jin scream
"Done"hyunjin said as he start to rub his injected area
"Tae hold it and rub for sometimes"hyunjin said
"H--hyung me?"tae said
"Yeah you now hold it and rub"hyunjin said
Tae hold the cotton and start to rub jin's injected area
After sometimes jin sleep while laying on couch tae pull his pants and boxers up and make him lay in comfortable position
"Suga lay down"hyunjin said
"Chimmy baby"suga said
Jimin come and hug suga and hyunjin injected him suga also sleep after sometimes
"Okay i am going now"hyunjin said
"Wait hyunjin"jin said(you must be thinking he was sleeping but he wakeup after hearing suga's scream
"What happened hyung"hyunjin asked
"Can you pls change jk's bandage too"jin said
"Bandage where?"hyunjin asked
"Actually he got hurt buy silver on hid butt so change his bandage and give him painkiller injection"jin said
"Okay hyung"hyunjin said
"Hyungie no"jk said as he look towards hobi with teary eyes
"My baby is so brave nothing will happen to my baby"hobi said as he make jk lay on his lap
"Mhmm hyung"jk said
"Nothing"hobi pull down jk's pants and boxers
Hyunjin removed his bandage and throw it in dustbin
"Okay baby i am just applying a cream relax"hyunjin said as he apply cream on his butt where he got hurt
"Ahh mmm hurts"jk said while hissing a little
"Just going to done jk is so brave and done"hyunjin said as he again bandage his wound and went to prepare injection
After sometimes hyunjin comes with injection and rub alcohol pad on his left butt
"Okay now jk i am asking you some questions reply me okay"hyunjin said trying to distract jk which actually works
"What's your favourite drink jk?"hyunjin said while rubbing alcohol pad on his butt
"Banana milk"jk said
"So what about hobi hyung will gave you banana milk?"hyunjin said as he inserted needle
"Yeah i wan---ahhhgghghghhhhhh hurts stop now pls ahhh"jk said while crying
"Just done and done"hyunjin said as he took out the needle and put bandage and pull his pants and boxers up
Hobi pick jk up and start to console him
"H-'hurts"jk said while crying
"Nothing my brave baby"hobi said as he rubs jk butt
After sometimes jk sleep

That's it for today
Don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and i will give new and awesome awesome stories

Your wwc author💕👅

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