night stay.2(part 7)

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Jin:(kiss his cheek)okay go and freshup my meow
He said and suga left
Jin:baekhyun and chanyeol you too also freshup go
Then they left to freshup
Btw vminkook are sleeping in tae's room
Time skips
Suga pov:
after getting freshup i come downstairs and i saw jin hyung making lunch i went to him and back hug him placing my head on his shoulder and kiss his cheek i don't know why whenever i am nearing jin hyung i become a baby
End of pov
Jin pov:
After telling everyone to freshup i went downstairs to make lunch even i was making lunch i felt like someone back hug me and place head on my shoulder and then kiss me on my cheek i know who is he he is suga my savage cat he become a big baby around me but i love him♡
Jin turn around
Jin:baby what are you doing here?you should take some rest you must be tired after consoling so much kids for vaccines
Suga:i am not tired hyung you know na i love kids so it's nothing for me i wanna show you something.
Jin:what is it?
"Wait i will get it from room"suga said as he went upstairs to take something.
After sometimes he come back
Suga:hyungie see(showing him something)
Jin:ohh teddy bear where did you get it from?(smiling)(btw i have phobia from stuff toys something happens with em after that i get this phobia)
Suga:actually in medical room a kid give me he said i love you so much sir please take it he is so little he is from nursery class i said i don't want it he start to cry so i take it it's cute na (smiling)
Jin:it's so cute like my meow
Suga:you take it hyung (giving him)
Jin:no baby the boy give it to you i can't take it
Suga:hyung please take it i want yout o take care of it and whenever you see him you will remember me
Jin:but---(cut off)
Suga:no buts(handed it to him)
Jin:no baby(handed him back)
Suga sit on the floor and start to cry loudly (means to say he is just doing drama)
Jin:baby get up or else you will caught cold(making him stand)
Suga:(push his hand)no no no hyungie don't love me(fake crying)
Everyone comes downstair listening to suga's crying including vminkook
Jimin run to suga
Jimin:hyung what happens?(worried)
Suga:hyungie don't love suga(fake crying)
Jin:aishhh baby get up you will caught cold
Suga:NO NO NO(fake cry)
Baekhyun:tell me suga why are you crying?(make him stand and hug him)
Suga:that----(tells him everything)
Chanyeol:jin take it stop making my baby cry
Jin:aish fine give me
Suga happily went to jin and handed him teddy bear and hug him tightly
Jin hug him back and spank him
Jin:(spank him)you are being a brat now a days
After sometimes they eat lunch
*in living room*
Suga:hyung i am going to sleep for sometimes (yawning)
Jin:okay baby sleep well(kiss his forehead)
Suga headed towards upstairs

That's it for today
Next ep preview:
Jk:i am fine
Jin slaps him

So guys guess according to the preview don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and I will give new and awesome awesome stories

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