Tae's birthday celebration(part 13)

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First of all
Happy birthday to our baby bear🎉❤
Army loves you my baby my teasure my everything
I wish you to live long have a happy life eith full of magical moments with ur members🤌🖤🎉
Love you❤🐱


Time skips to next day
Everyone is sitting in living room expect taheyung he is in washroom
Their was pin drop silence but jungkook broke it
"Hyung"jungkook speak grabbing everyone's attention
"Why are you looking at my like I did any crime"kook said
"Ahhh kook nothing speak what you wanna say"jin said
"Hyung u remember what's tomorrow?"kook said
"Tae's birthday oh no"namjoon said in shock
"Ya hyung stob it we have enough time for preparation and for pranking him"kook said with evil smile
"Well what's plan?"suga asked
"Plan listen-------
Kook tell them his plan
"Superb we will have alot of fun"jimin said
"Ik i am so smart"kook flips his hair
Everyone chuckled at his cuteness

Tae comes to living room
"What's happening hyungs?"tae said
"Nth taetae"jhope said
"Leave it well u guys remember what's tomorrow?"tae asked while being excited but his excitment got vanished when jin said
"Yea tomorrow is friday"jin said
"No expect friday"tae said while hopping that his hyungs will remember
"Yes yes yes i remember tomorrow is 30 december"suga said
"No----(cut off)
"Shut up tae i am tired i am going to sleep"namjoon said as he gets up from couch and went to his room
"We are also going"everyone left leaving tae alone who is feeling bad that no one remember his birthday
After getting out of the trauma that everyone is left tae also left to his room while being sad

Time skips to next morning
Everyone gets up and went to their work and school leaving tae alone

Tae gets up
Tae pov
I get up and get freshed i hope now hyungs will remember that today is my birthday i went downstairs in htis hope but their was no one then i went to everyone room hoping that they will be sleeping buy their was no one i went to kitchen and saw a notice
In notice
Tae we all are going to work and we are taking jimin and kook with us as you guys have winter vacations we don't wanna disturb you that's why we didn't wake you up we will get late today take care of yourself and eat your breakfast i keep it in frig
Your jin hyung along with your all hyungs


Tae pov
After reading this i felt so sad i don't wanna eat breakfast but hyung will scold me if he will get to know that i didn't eat anything he will get angry so i have to eat it

After sometimes he heat his breakfast and eat it

Tae pov
I am getting so bored no one is here nor anyone wish me
End of pov

After sometimes tae slept while thinking

On the other side
Everyone comes home
Suga:i will check what is he doing then we will start decoration
"Okay"everyone agreed

Suga pov
I went upstairs to tae's room i saw he is sleeping peacefully i went to him kiss his forehead and said
"We made our baby bear sad alot but now you will be happy"he said and went downstairs

They all started decortion
After dectorating
Jin check that tae is still sleeping he didn't disturb him

After sometimes
Tae wake up
Well they set camera in tae's room so they can see that he is awake
They turned off the light and hid in living room

Tae pov
I get up and went downstairs and saw that all lights are off i turned on the lights when
Tae start to cry
Everyone become worried about him
"Baby stop crying"jin said while hugging him
But then
Tae start to laugh
"You all got pranked"tae said while laughing
"Wait what do u mean by we got pranked??"kook said
"Well well well my stupid hyungs and my stupid kook i know your plan from the start"tae said

Flash back

Tae pov
I comes out of the washroom when i saw hyungs and kook talking something so i hid their and listened all their talks
End of pov

"Well hyung now i will prank u all you guys can never prank me let me get a roll in your acting"tae said

End of flashback

"Hahhahahahhahahahahahah"tae start to laugh
"You brat"everyone said
They start to tickle taehyung
After that they celebrate his birthday

The end♡
At last I wanna say

Do some comments

And birthday to my baby bear🎉🖤

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