vaccination.1(part 4)

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Time skips
*With taenamjin*
Tae:hyung i don't wanna go to school tomorrow(whinning)
Jin:shut up tae i already know why are you saying that you don't want to go to school (little angry)
Joon:hyung what happened?and why he don't wanna go to school?(confused)
Jin:tomorrow is his vaccination day so that's why he don't wanna go to school btw yoongi said he will come to pick tae from home and after that we all are gonna do night stay
Joon:woahhh its been a long time since we didn't did night stay it will be fun tomorrow
Jin:yeah right
Tae:hyung (puppy eyes)
Jin:stop it tae and come to eat dinner fast
Time skips after dinner
Now tae is in his room thinking how to escape from vaccine and suga
Tae: i think i have to take it(sigh)tae qurbani ka bakra ban ny ky liyay tyar hoja😂(if you know urdu or hindi you will understand)
Time skips at morning
*With yoonmin*
Yoongi come in his brother room to wake him up for school
Yoongi:chimmie my baby get up(ruffles his hair)
Jimin:mhmmmm hyungie minnie don't wanna go to school (sleepy voice)
Yoongi:no minnie will go and if minnie will be a good boy then hyungie will treat minnie with ice cream also tae and jk
Jimin:really hyung (sparkling eyes)
"Yes my baby"suga said as he kiss jimin's forehead and went to make breakfast
Jimin went to freshup
Time skips
Now yoonmin is infrontof taenamjin house
Both went out of the car
And knock the door
Jin open the door and hug both of them
Then they went inside
Tae:s-s-suga hyung
Suga:yeah baby me come let's go to school
Tae:no i don't wanna go (whinning)
Yoongi:tae enough don't test my patience come fast
Tae:*showing puppy eyes*
Siga:(sigh)ok listen if you will be a good boy then i will treat you with ice cream okay?
Tae:really (shinning eyes)
Suga:yeah i promise now come
Then taeyoonmin went to hopekook house
Time skips inside the house
Here jk is crying hard not wanting to go to school as he don't wanna take more injection
Kookie:no i don't wanna go to school(crying & hiccuping)
Hobi:baby pls go na it will be fine moreover your suga hyung is with you
Suga:(sigh)hobi i am going to do this now i can't bare more
Hobi:okay hyung
Suga come and pick jk and start to move towards car hobi close the door and they went to car suga make jk sit with vmin at back seat
Kookie:i--i d--dont w-w-a-wanna(crying hard)
Jimin hug him
Jimin:shhh baby it will be fine we are with you okay
Kookie:i wanna stay with you 2 pls(crying and snuggling in jimin's chest)
Tae:okay baby (to suga)hyung there is no classes today so can he stay with us?
Yoongi:yeah he can and i am also busy today as me mr chanyeol and mr baekhyun have to take care of everything But remember mr eunwoo will be in your class okay?i know he is so soft towards everyone but take care of him (vmin nodded)
Time skips at school
*in vmin class*
Kookie is still crying not calming suddenly mr eunwoo or mr chae (as his surname is chae)come in class
Jimin make jk sit with him
Student greet mr eunwoo
After sometimes
Mr eunwoo noticed jk
Eunwoo:who is this kid?(pointing towards jk)and why is he crying
"Sir he is my brother"jimin said
Einwoo:what's his name?
"Jung jungkook"tae said
Eunwoo:jungkook come here(softly)
Jungkook get scared and hug jimin tightly
Jimin:baby he will not do anything go to him he is so sweet
Jk:come with me hyungie (jimin was shocked as first time jk call him hyungie)
Jimin went towards mr eunwoo with jk
Eunwoo:(hold jk's hands)baby what happened?(softly)
Jk:i don--dont wanna come t--to school t--to---today (crying)
"And why so?"mr eunwoo asked
"Today w--was vaccination day it hurts"jk said while crying
Eunwoo hug him and rub his back to comfort him
"Its okay everything will be fine don't cry baby"eunwoo said
Eunwoo tried to break the hug but jk didn't let him break so eunwoo understand that jk is scared to he keep conforting him
"Kookie baby"??? Said
"Suga hyung"kookie run and hug him
Suga also hug him back
Suga went to eunwoo
Suga:what happened to hom mr chae?
Eunwoo:he was crying cause of vaccine so i make him calm
Suga:ohh did he bother you much?
Eunwoo:no he didn't he is such a cute baby (pinch jk cheek)
Jk just giggle
Suga:now leave me baby i have to go
Jk:hyung(teary eyes)
Suga:(bends to jk level)baby sray with vmin hyungs hmm i will come back soon (kiss his forehead)
Eunwoo:mr min is he your brother?
Suga:yeah he min jimin and kim taehyung three of them are my brothers
Eunwoo:but all of your surname is different expect of yours and jimin's
Suga:yeha they are not my real brothers taehyung and jungkook they are my friend brothers so i treat them as my own brothers moreover three of them are equal for me i love all of them(smiling)
Eunwoo:ohh that's so sweet of you (smiling)
Suga went to medical room again

That's it for today
Next ep preview:
Tae:hyungie will it hurt?
Suga:stop crying baby (tears in his own eyes seeing his brother like this)
Jimin:hii hyungie(hugs him)

So guys guess according to the preview and don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and I will give new and awesome awesome stories

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