night stay.3 (part 8)

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Time skips to dinner
Jin:hobi go and wake suga up for dinner
Hobi:okay hyung.
He said and headed toward upstairs
*in room*
Here suga is sleeping peacefully doesn't do care what's happening around him
Hobi enter in room.
Hobi:hyung wakey wakey.
Suga:mhmmm let me sleep hoba (sleepy voice)
Hobi:hyung it's dinner time wake up now (pulling his blanket)
Suga:mhmm okay i am up you go.
Hobi:i am going but don't sleep again.
Hobi said and went downstairs

Suga pov:
I was sleeping peacefully when hobi come to wake me up first i deny to wake up but then i wake up i was going towards washroom when i feel like my whole body is aching it's hurting alot what should i do?if i told jin hyung he will not leave me it's better to hind my sickness fron them.
Suga said and went downstairs
Time skips after dinner
Now everyone is sitting in extra room.
Yeah they have an extra room which contain a big bed for four people and some couches so whenever they are toegther they sit there.

Jin pov:
After suga come downstairs he didn't speak anything and now he is laying on the bed all lifeless i think something is wrong with him.
End of pov

Suga pov:
When i come downstairs i didn't speak anything after that we went to extra room and i lay on the bed but all time i notice something i noticed that jin hyung is staring at me.ohh no what if he comes to know that i am not well
End of pov

Jin:suga you okay?(raising his eyebrow)
Suga:y---yeah h--hyung (shuttering)
Jin:ohh then why are you shuttering?
Suga:h--hyung th (cut off)
Jin:namjoon go and bring my medical bag from my room.
Namjoon nodded and went to take his medical bag

After five minutes namjoon come.
Jin:so first sit suga i wanna talk with you (coldly)
Suga:hyung please don't speak like this (scared)
Jin:shut up(place his hand on suga's forehead)how did you catch fever?
Suga:t---that i--i (cut off)
Jin:DON'T SHUTTER (shouting)
Suga flinch hard and start to cry a little
Suga:that i eat i--ice cream hyung (scared as he know what gonna happen)

Suga pov:
Finally jin hyung come to know that i am sick he said to namjoon that bring my medical bag now i am more scared after 5 minutes he come back with bag jin hyung come to me but first he said i wanna talk with u now i am more scared he ask me how did i caught fever i was shuttering but thwn jin hyung shout i become more scared and my eyes become teary i tell him that i eat ice cream and i know what gonna happen with me now i was in my own world when i feel a sharp pain on my right cheek yeah you guess right jin hyung slap me.
End of pov

Jin:*slap him hard*who told you to eat ice cream?(stern)
Suga:s--sorry hyung(crying)
Jin:*slap him one more time*this is not answer of my question when you know that you have weak immune system even your immune system is more weak then vminkook then why*slap*the hell you eat ice cream (angry)
Suga:i will not eat again(crying hard)
Jin slap him one more time
Hobi rush to them and hug suga
Hobi:it's enough hyung look his face is all red(hugging suga tightly)
Jin:hobi leave him let me teach him a good lesson today
Hobi:no hyung enough everyone is here look jimin is also crying seeing his hyung crying
All of them look towards jimin
Namjoon:jimin baby (hug him an dmade him sit on his lap)
Jimin:h---hyung (crying hard hugging namjoon)
Namjoon:baby he is fine hyung will not punish him now (kiss his forehead)
Jin:jimin come here baby(softly)
Jimin wentto him.
Jin made him sit on his lap.
Jin:baby you know na i am punishing hyung bcous he always disobey me and get sick.(kiss his forehead)
Jimin:yeah hyung(snuggling in jin's chest)
Jin:okay now don't cry i will not punish your hyung more(kiss his cheek)Go to namjoon hyung.
Jimin went to namjoon.
Jin:suga come here (softly)
Suga snuggle in jhope chest more thinking jin will again slap him.
Hobi:hyung he will not do anything go to him (kiss his forehead)
Jin take suga from hobi and make him sit on his lap.
Jin:look at me my meow(suga look at him)you know na i punish you bcous it was your mistake(kiss his cheek)
Suga:yeah hyung i will not repeat this mistake.
Jin:okay now but i have to punish you
suga:hyung no slaps please (puppy eyes)
Jin:i am not going to slap let me first check you
Jin make him lay on bed.
Jin take his stethoscope and pull suga's shirt up and said
Jin:breath in breath out meow.
Suga did as jin said
After that jin check his temperature and i don't know what i don't study biology i study computer so.
Jin:okay your feveris high i will inject you one injection for fever and one injection of vitamin as your punishment
Suga:no hyung (scared)
Jin start to prepare the injections ignoring suga's pleading.

That's it for today
Next ep preview:
Jk:ahh hurts ahhh ahh
Jin: i am all fine

So guys guess according to the preview don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and I will give new and awesome awesome stories.

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