night stay.5 (part 10)

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Now everyone is sleeping in their rooms
Suga pov
I was sleeping peacefully when i felt a sharp pain in my stomach
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh"suga scream disturbing jin's sleep
"What happened bub?"jin asked all worried
"Hy-hyungie my --s---stomach h-hurts"suga said while crying
"Omo tell me where is it hurting?"jin said as he turn on lights"lay down baby i will check your stomach"jin said making suga lay
"Then jin lay suga on bed and pull his shirt up"
"Baby i am going to press some areas tell me if it hurts"jin said as he press suga's stomach from left side
"Suga let out a painful scream"
"Hyung stop no no"suga said while crying a mess
"Okay baby i will bring hot pack for you just wait"jin said as he went out of the room to get hot pack

After sometimes jin come back with hot pack

"Baby lay down"he said as he make suga lay down and pull his shirt up and place hot pack on his stomach and start to press it lightly

"Mhmmmmm hyungie"suga said snuggling in jin's chest

"Yeah my meow what happened?"jin said but he got no reply so he saw suga sleeping peacefully while hugging him

"Jin kiss suga's forehead and sleep while hugging him"

Time skips to morning
Everyone wakeup expect vminkook

"Namjoonahhh go and wake up my three little monkeys"jin said while placing plates on table
"Okay hyung"namjoon said as he went upstairs to wake his hyung's monkeys up

"In room"

Namjoon enter in the room and saw vminkook sleeping while hugging each other
Namjoon smiled seeing his babies

"Babies wakey wakey"namjoon said as he pull their blanket
"Hyung let us sleep today is holiday"jimin said while hugging taehyung tightly
"No baby wakeup or else i will eat all pancakes"namjoon said as three of them sit on bed
"WE WANT PANCAKES"vminkook shout as namjoon cover his ears
"Yaaaa!dont shout go and freshup and come for breakfast"namjoon said smiling softly

"Okay hyungie"vminkook rush towards washroom

"I will go first"jimin said
"No i will go"tae said

And here their fight starts again

"Jimin go to jin hyung room's washroom and kookie you go to my room's washroom"namjoon said try to stop their fight

"Yes sir"three of them said as they went towards washroom

Time skips
Three of them come downstairs
"Good morning hyungs"vminkook said
"Good morning babies"all of them expect vminkook said together

"Hyungie"kookie said to suga
"Yeah bubba"suga said smiling softly

"Hyungie can i sit on your lap?"he said as he looks down being embarrassed(if you don't know why jk wants to sit on suga's lap so let me remind you jk got silver on his butt so whenever he sit it hurts him)

"Okay baby come and don't need to be embarrassed"suga said as he make jk sit on his lap

"Suga how's your stomach now?is it paining?"jin said to suga

"Hyung it's fine now"suga said

"What happened to hyungie's stomach?jimin said caring for his elder brother

"Nothing just little pain at yesterday night baby"suga said
"Okay hyungie"jimin said as he start to eat his breakfast

Time skips after breakfast

That's it for today
Hope you like the episode
And there is no preview today

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