part 2

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Time skips after school
Now hobi come to pick jk from school
Yoongi comes hold jk in his hand
Hobi:hyung is kookie okay why are you picking him?
Yoongi:actually (told him everything)
Hobi:sorry baby it's cause of me (feeling guilty)
Jk:no hyung it's okay
Hobi:did you forgive me?
Jk:no I didn't when you will buy me banana milk i will forgive you(cute smirk)
Hobi:aishhh you naughty come i will buy you banana milk(pick jk)
Hobi:thanks hyung for taking care of him
Suga:its okay hoba he is also my bunny(kiss jk cheek)
Time skips at home
With hopekook
Now jk is getting bored and hobi is doing his work on his laptop
Jk:hyung let's play
Hobi:baby let me do my work then we will plau
Jk:no hyung(close his laptop)
Hobi:jk (angry&make him lay on his lap)let me teach you some manners(pull his pants down)
Jk:sorry h--hyung (scared)
Hobi:shut up (take a wooden stick which has slivers inside it and spank jk)
An pov
Hobi didn't know that stick has silver inside
As soon as stick hit jk bare bottom he start to scteam loudly as silver pierced in his skin
Hobi saw it and become worried
Hobo:sorry baby (calls jin)
Jin:hi hopa how are you?
Hobi:hyung please come at home fast(urge of cry)
Jin:baby tell me what happened?(worried)
Hobi:hyung please come fast
Jin:okay coming (rush towards door)
Hobi:baby(softly as jk is crying hard by now)
Jk:hyung it h---hurts (crying hard)
*ding dong*
Door bell rings
Hobi went to open the door
Hobi come inside with jk
Jin: jk my baby you will be fine
Jin takes pluck
And pulled out silver
Jk:ahhh hyung please stop it hurts (crying really hard)
Jin:it's done baby
Then jin bandage his butt
Then jin prepare injection
Jk saw it
Jk:hyung please no i don't want this(scared)
Jin:it will not hurt baby(to hobi)hold him tightly
Hobi did
jk:hyung please I already gets ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jin injected making jk scared and cry
Jin:it's almost done baby (while Injecting)
Jk:ahhh hyung (crying)
Jin:it's done(put a bandage on his injected area)hobi rub for him
Jk:it hurts(sobbing)
Hobi:it will be fine
After sometimes jk calm
"Hyung you know i  already gets an injection here today and you injected me again"jk said
Jin:really but why?
Jk:actually today (told him everything)
Jin:it's okay now my brave baby is fine

Suga:tae come here
Jimin:ouch ahh hyungie
Joon:ohh oh so you are baekhyun hyung i remember

So guys guess according to the preview
Silent readers do comment down

Quote of the day:
"Sometimes silence is best answer of every question"

Stay tuned for more episodes💕

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