night stay.4 (part 9)

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After sometimes
jin prepare 2 injections and come near suga with injections

Jin:suga lay on your stomach fast
suga:hyung please no i don't want injections pls hyung (puppy eyes)
jin:(sighed heavily)hobi come here and hold him
Suga:no way you can't do it
Hobi come and turn him
Suga:hobi why are you betraying me leave me na pls hoba (trying to get out of hobi's grip)
Hobi:hyung i am not betraying you so pls stop and let jin hyung do his work
Jin:(pull suga's pants and boxers down)baby take a deep breath relax your muscles (rub alcohol pad on his left butt cheek and hit his butt lightly and injected making suga flinch and cry within second)
Suga:ahhhh ahhh hyung hurts s-stop ahhhhhhh(crying)
Jin:and done(put bandage on injected area)just one more my brave baby
Suga:no more pls
Jin pull his pants from other side revealing half of his(suga) butt
Suga: hyung it's embarrassing pull my pants up (embarrassed and crying)
Jin:don't be embarrassed baby(rub alcohol pad and injected without warning)
Suga:ahhh hurt no NO PLS STOP AHHHHHHHHHH (crying hard)
After some seconds jin took out the needle and hug suga and start to rub his butt in order to erase his pain
Suga:h--hyungie h--hurts alot (crying hard hugging jin tightly)
Jin:it's all done hmm now don't cry sleep for sometimes baby (rubbing his butt)
After sometimes suga sleep in jin embrace.
Jin make him lay on bed and cover him with duvet

Jin:ahh it was so hard to gice them injections
Baekhyun:you are right (laughing)
Jungkook come near jin and sit in his lap

Jin:what happened bub?
Jk:nothing hyungie just wanna sit on your lap (hugging his stomach)
Jin:is it hurting?(hugging him)(pointing on his butt where he got silver and vaccine)
Jk:no hyung i am fine but whenever i sit it hurts (pout)
Jin:aww my brave baby it will be wanna sleep?
Jk:yeah hyung sweepy sweepy(yawn cutely)
Jin:okay so guys i think it's already too much time we should sleep now as everyone is tired
Everyone nodded
Jin:okay so i will sleep with suga today in this room (extra room)tae,chim and kookie can sleep in tae's room hobi and namjoon can sleep in namjoon's room anr bae and chan can sleep in my room.Anyone have any excuse?
"No"everyone said
Jin:okay so guys good night
Everyone left to their rooms

That's it for today
Next ep preview:
Jk:leave me
Jin:don't shout idiots

So guys guess according to the preview don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and I will give new and awesome awesome stories.

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