night stay.6 (part 11)

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*after breakfast everyone is sitting in extra room*

"Hyungie let's go for shopping please"taehyung said
"Well it's a good idea"hobi said making tata smile
"Okay so who is joining?"namjoon said as vminkook put their hands up

"I am not coming"jin said
"Why hyung?"tae said while pouting
"Baby i will come later someday you all can go"jin said
"I am also not going"suga said grabbing everyone's attention

"Why hyungieeee?"vminkook whines as they want everyone to go
"Baby i am not feeling well you all can go i promise i will come next time"suga said
"What happened suga?"jin said
"Nothing hyung just a little tired"suga said

An note:
"Let me tell you chanyeol and baekhyun are still here"

"Okay you all can go we will stay at home"jin said
"Okay hyung we will buy food for you two while coming back"hobi said
"Noooooo i want to eat jin hyung food it's much more tasty then outside food"suga said all whinning
"Okay my baby i will make you food"jin said while smiling to suga

"Okay then we are going"namjoon said
Everyone went for shopping

In home with yoonjin

"Hyung let's do something"suga said
"What should we do?"jin said
"Hyung you watch your phone here i will go and make chips for both of us"suga said while standing up from couch
"Okay baby but be careful don't burn your hand"jin said in caring tone
"Hyung i am not a baby who will burn his hand i also cook at my home i didn't cook when eomma appa comes"suga said while whinning

An note:
"So guys let me tell you only yoonmin parents are alive other parents died in car accident so whenever yoonmin parents come all of them(taenamjin,yoonmin and hopekook)stay together at yoonmin home no matter hoe many days their parents stay they all stay in yoonmin house yoonmin parents love all of them as their own sons

"Back to the story"

Suga went to made the chips while jin is sitting being all worried he don't know why is he getting worried for suga he is not a kid but still he is getting worried so he went downstairs to suga

"Suga pov"
I was making chips when suddenly someone pat my shoulder i get scared and hit that someone with the spatula which is in my hand

"AHHHHHH"jin let out a pain scream as suga hit his head
"Hyung sorry i just get scared and hit you i am so sorry"suga said feeling all guilty
"It's fine baby i am okay"jin said softly
"Hyung it's blooding"suga said being worried by now
"It will be fine"jin said
"No let's go to doctor fast"suga sais as he drag jin outside with him
"Baby it will be fine stop"jin said trying to stop suga from dragging him
"No stop hyung"suga said now getting angry on jin
They both sit in car and drove off to the clinic

Time skips
Suga take jin to his friend's clinic
His friend name is hyunjin

RG:(reception girl)how can i help you sir?
Suga:we wanna meet dr hyunjin
"Sir any appointment?"rg said
"No but he is my friend"suga said
"Okay sir let me talk to him what's your name?"rg ask
"It's min yoongi"suga said
"Okay you can go to his cabin"rg said as suga and jin went towards hyunjin cabin

Outside cabin
"Door knock"
"Come in"hyunjin said from inside
Yoonjin went inside the room

"Ohhh hi suga"hyunjin said
"Hii hyung"suga said"hyung please treat jin hyung his head"suga said while panicking
"Baby don't be panick i am fine"jin said as he hug suga to calm him

"Okay so jin hyung tell me what happened?"hyunjin said

An note:
Hyunjin is also jin's friend so they know each other

"I will tell you"suga told him everything
"Ohhh let me see your wound hyung"hyunjin said as he start to bandage jin's forehead
After bandage
"Okay hyung just one injection is left after that you can go"hyunjin said while preparing injection
"O-okay"jin said being a little scared
"Hyungie don't be scared"suga said in soft tone to calm jin
"Okay jin hyung lay on bed"hyunjin said as jin lay on bed on his stomach

Hyunjin pull jin's pants and boxers down and rub alcohol pad and hold injection in 90° degree and slowly injected in jin's muslecs making him flinch a little

"Ahh slowly hyunjin pls"jin said as he felt a sting pain on his butt
"Hyung it's fine"suga said being worried for jin
"And done"hyunjin said as he took out the needle put bandage and pull jin's pants and boxers up

Suga start to rub his injected part
"You can go now"hyunjin said to yoonjin
"Hyung your money"suga said while taking money out of pocket

"Put it back in your pocket don't forget i am also your brother"hyunjin said
"Bu--(cut off)
"You want me to spank you?"hyunjin siad while glaring suga
"Ahhh okay fine i am putting it back thanks hyung"suga said and smile softly
"Welcome baby"hyunjin said as he hug both yoonjin

That's it hope you like the ep
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