Ch 1- The attempt

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"Dude wake up, wake up, wake up, Gumball Wake Up!"

"Gah, What the what dude?" Gumball asked his brother Darwin who had been shaking him.

"Dude it's New Years y'know when our double date with Penny and Carrie." Darwin said making the usual lazy cat jump up and run to the bathroom to clean himself up.

"That's the spirit." Darwin said "Snapping" his "fingers".

The two had started making themselves look great for that there date.

Once they got done, they took a walk down the town covered in snow which was uncanny since they were in California, but hey better than LA.

"Yo yo yo what up G-ball, D-fish." Tobias said flinging his own fingers like guns.

"Hey Tobias, what are you doing here?" Gumball asked.

"Well let's just say you should try some of this." The rainbow guy said holding a paper bag with a bottle in it.

Gumball and Darwin examined the bottle with the fish taking a whiff of the bottle part making his face scrunch up.

"Gross, it smells like a skunk's road killed butt." Darwin said.

"Yeah, I know, but it's a form of courage, in a liquid form as they say." Tobias said putting his arms on his hips.

"And what do you want us to do with that?" Gumball asked stroking his chin.

"Well drink up of course." Tobias said holding up the bottle.

"If you think I'm dumb enough to put that in my body with its rank smell, no way!" Darwin said as Gumball pondered it.

"Y'know what Tobias, meet me after my date and I'll try some." Gumball said as Darwin glared at him.

"And just in case Darwin don't snitch or I'll tell mom about Carrie's age." Gumball said as Darwin's face shrank in fear.

"yeah, I gotcha" Gumball said smugly chuckling.

After meeting Tobias, the brothers started walking together again on the sidewalk seeing all the sights Elmore had to offer such as the Joyful Burgers on every side of a block as a corporate monopoly.

The two just kept cruising along wondering what to do as their date wasn't till eight, so they just had to wait.

"Hey lucky we bought suits right dude?" Gumball asked a still salty Darwin.

Darwin stayed silent.

"Dude c'mon, I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want, I'm just gonna do my own thing heading home." Gumball said shrugging.

"Look dude I just- I just- I don't want you getting hurt, you know Tobias, he's flippy if you catch my drift." Darwin said in a ticked off manner.

"Dude Tobias and I are cool, besides if he was planning stuff Penny would do something about it." Gumball said.

"Fine I guess I'll believe in you just don't tell Mrs. Mom about Carrie's age." Darwin said

"Sure, I mean you're dating her spirit not her corpse six feet underground." Gumball joked as his brother sighed.

"Shut up!" Darwin yelled resisting the urge to laugh.

"Nah, it's fun hearing your baby voice yell.

"Carrie finds it cute." Darwin pouted.

"Of course she does everyone finds you cute." Gumball said with a smirk.

Darwin punched his cat brother in the arm laughing himself to death.

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