Ch 16- A Pizza the Action

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-Badwater Basin-

Ridley looked at the bomb shaped as a nuke in a cart on the tracks, as he examined it he saw the BLU Sniper running.

"You!" The dragon called out.

"Eh, whaddya want?" The Aussie asked.

"What's this usually used for?"

"Oh, the Payload, that's what we get to The RED Team to blow em' to hell." The cozy camper said back.

"Hm, alright, I think we can use this, he saw an imp zombie approach him along with Two Zombie Heroes Impfinity and The Smash.

Impfinity was an imp but in black and yellow clothing while The Smash was a Gargantuar with a mask.

"Smash and I are ready for RED Team!" Impfinity said with a hyperactive child's high pitch and some raspy added in there.

The Smash was silent.

"Alright, start pushing this cart." Ridley said before flying back to the fight at hand. On his way he saw The Right Hand Man flying to the same fight.

In the RED spawn Spy respawned and saw Medic, Pyro, and Soldier.

"We have to move now!" He yelled.

"For what Frenchie?" Soldier asked.

"We are being attacked, and that crocodile is back!" Spy yelled.

"Well, that's enough of a reason for me." Soldier said.

The Medic and The Pyro followed suit.

"To battle!" The Soldier yelled.

-Pizza Tower II-

-Floor 4-

The Boys and Mimi had entered the fourth floor with two doors still functional.

"Well Met, what's the plan?" Sonic asked.

"Well I suppose we should go through the Pig City and the... Peppibot factory?" Metal asked.

"Alright then race ya there slowpokes!" Sonic yelled before rushing to the Pig City.

Metal and Mimi Rushed behind him as Mega ran to them.

-The New Pig City-

The boys arrived to the grimy city.

"Um, Mega you should stay behind, this city looks to be... less than nice." Metal said.

"Okay!" Mega said playing with Stuart.

The other three went through the city with great speed as they rushed through Pizza Slugs and Cops. Sonic was extra as he started grinding on rails.

"Hey stop right there!" A pig cop yelled.

"Heh, what are you gonna do pig, cover me in mud?" Sonic asked as he realized he was cuffed. "Oh, that's how you want to do it, well how about I show you one of these?" Sonic asked before kicking the copper and spindashing throughout New Pig City as he moved past dancing pigs and got to a cab. He then noticed that Mimi and Metal were nowhere to be seen, he shrugged and entered the cab and saw Metal and Mimi.

"You imbecile." Metal said as Sonic learned that the cab was a cop car in disguise.

Meanwhile Mega and Stuart played Patty Cake before Mega was called.

"Yellow?" He asked.

"Mega we've been captured by the police, and we need your assistance to get out of prison.

"Okay!" Mega yelled before backwards long jumping through the city and stopping at a grandma's house.

"Oh, visitors?" She asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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