ch 5- Stop, Hammer Time

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Darwin stared down the Zombot.

"You!" Darwin yelled.

The Zombot tilted it's head as Zomboss spoke from the microphone.

"Me?" He said.

"Yeah you, what other giant mechanical thing would I talk to?" Darwin retorted.

"Well I- nevermind, what is it you fishy fishy fishy boy?" Zomboss yelled.

"I'm taking you down." Darwin said with a feeling of being epic in his voice.

"Rrra ha ha, so you think some little tool can topple me, with bullets and such weaponry that not even the melonest of Winter Melons can slow me down!" Zomboss yelled getting heat seeking missiles ready.

Shadow Man and Rocky then realized, Fish are cold-blooded.

"No wai-" Shadow Man screamed.
"Don't do-" Rocky yelled.

Zomboss didn't stop though, he slammed the button and the missiles fired, yet they all just kept flying only targeting fire plants and zombies.

"Wow great plan, did you come up with it on the spot or something?" Rocky said sarcastically.

"Jeez I'm sorry that I tried using the weapons your boss gave me." Zomboss yelled.

"You work with dead things I thought you'd know this kind of stuff!" Rocky continued.

Zomboss then cut the communication.

"Zombies, no matter what they're brainless." Rocky told himself.

Meanwhile Darwin smiled, 'I'm on my way' he thought.

He then began charging at the Zombot hammer in his "hands"

"And now we see the adventures of Stick Stickemups, the boss with a tude of rude!" The TV said as a cartoon played.

"So it's a Saturday morning cartoon show, with Italian stereotyping." Zack said as the titular character fired a Tommy Gun.

"Eh probably an older cartoon, probably from the eighties or seventies, like The Godfather or good fellas." Phred said.

"*Ugh* why couldn't we have a fifth member of the group?" Smiley said as she was frowning at the TV.

As the three bickered in the tent Ellie watched and smiled.

"Kids." She said to herself as Henry and Charles were analyzing the white board Phred wrote on.

"Jeez the kid really figured out interdimensional travel in an hour, that's hecka impressive." Charles said as Henry pulled a device out.

It was a little remote like thing with three green buttons, one red button in the middle, and an antenna.

Ellie then looked at the prison puzzled.
Why were they just at a prison in the middle of a desert in West Mesa?

"Charles, why are we here?" She asked.

"Well the general wanted to make sure that the quote on quote OG Toppat leaders don't escape. So that's why we're here." Charles explained as Henry nodded.

"Escape, those guys are armed twenty four seven." Ellie said laughing.

"Well we got a tip that someone would break them out." Charles said before taking out a sniper rifle that so conveniently had night vision.

He was watching before seeing a non-stick figure.

"Huh, that guy looks pretty weird, I'm going to report that." Charles said before seeing the non-stick figure looking straight at him.

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