Ch 15- Sins of the Pasta

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Ridley watched the blue cat now wielding a shield training with a RED Demoman.

He had gathered with King K. Rool and his two main side goons Klump and Krusha, the BLU team, Rocky, Super Brainz, The Zombie Heroes, Zomboss in a smaller mech, and Reginald who was waiting on someone.

"What's taking so long dammit?" Reginald asked as he was pacing.

In the middle Zomboss was strategizing how the attack should play out.

That's when a portal opened that split the table.

Out came The Right Hand Man who now had cybernetics and a version of Henry and Ellie but with top hats, Henry had a gold chain with an encrusted S on it, Ellie meanwhile had a rose on a pink hat.

"Who are they?" K. Rool asked.

"They're the Toppat version of 'Enry and Elly." Right Hand Man said, "had to prove that Black-Cat was a good employer by killing their version of me and Reginald." The Right Hand Man said.

"Can confirm, he killed those two effortlessly, and then promised us the best payments imaginable, and power too, now that's an offer." Toppat Ellie said smirking at Reginald.

"All right, now, what's the plan?" Ridley asked Zomboss.

"Well, I say that you should provide Arial support with Super Brainz and The Right Hand Man, Rocky K. Rool, Klump and Krusha should provide the main attacks at the front with the Zombie Heroes, Finally Reginald, the Toppat Henry and Ellie, and I shall attack from the back lines." Zomboss explained using the broken war table. "I still don't know where these nine should go." Zomboss said pointing at the mercenaries.

Ridley looked to them, "Do any of you have a preference on where to go?" Ridley asked.

"Heavy stay on front lines." The BLU Heavy said holding his gun.

"Heh, I'll go on the flank with Spy!" Scout said grabbing spy.

"I'll stay behind blowin' heads off some wankers." Sniper said.

"Ugh, bloody Aussies." Rocky scoffed.

"Same I ain't that kind of fighter." The Engineer said.

"Weaklings, I'll be with Stalingrad on the Frontline." Soldier yelled.

"Mpphhh!" Pyro yelled.

"Let's do it lads!" Demoman yelled.

-Pizza Tower II-

Gumbot approached Pizza Head slowly as the pizza man laughed.

Gumbot had scanned him closely and how he was defeated last time, but not only that he examined who and what he worked with.

As the Pizza laughed Gumbot got right in front of him before swinging an uppercut at at least Mach five speed.

This launched the pizza head into the sky allowing Gumbot to fly up there and Mario forward aerial him into the tower and on the floor below just as The Boys and Mimi entered another level...

-Don't Make a Sound-

"Wow, sooo spooky." Sonic said as they saw a dancing pizza robot.

"Ugh, an uncivilized pizza parlor, how disgusting." Metal said.

"Wait is this like a restaurant with robot entertainers?" Mega asked.

"Yes, but it seems run do- wait Mega don't go that way!" Metal yelled.

The other four chased Mega into the restaurant as he long jumped into another room.

"Ugh, let's split up and find him ourselves." Metal said worried for the boy.

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