Chapter 7- Attack on Dreamland

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Kirby ran inside the castle and ran to Escargoon.

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby yelled.

"What is it you pink pestering blob!" Escargoon yelled.

Dedede ran in with Meta Knight, the other two knights, and Gumball and Phil in tow.

"What is it Kirby?" Dedede asked concerned.

Kirby then demonstrated how he saw Ribbon get crystalized.

"Jimmy fell down the well?" Dedede asked.

"An ogre is going to rescue the King's bride?" Meta Knight asked afterwards.

Kirby shook relaying negative to the questions.

"Po-yo poyo poyo poyo." Kirby said making the motions, he then gathered two waddle dees and made them look like ribbon and Adaline.

He then made himself look like Mr. Black-Cat and "slashed" the waddle dees and made them freeze up.

"Some guy froze Adaline and Ribbon?" Bandana Dee asked.

"Poyo!" Kirby said and nodded yes to.

He then grabbed a paper star and a match and lit both on fire.

"Someone's trying to destroy Popstar?" Sword knight asked.

"Poyo poyo!" Kirby yelled before jumping in joy.

"I, don't think, that's something to be uh, happy about." Gumball said.

"Po... Yo." Kirby said.

"We need to make sure we aren't de-de- destroyed." Dedede said punching his palm.

"I'll get the Jambastion mages." Meta Knight said before disappearing away.

"Kirby, you and Bandana Dee get Gooey, we need the smartest person in Dreamland for this." Dedede said. "Gumball, Phil, you two get Susie and Taranza while Escargoon and I evacuate cappy town."

Black-Cat stood with Reginald in the Captains deck of the Black Airship.

"So, illustrious seating, pure titanium shell, and a weapon system capable of destroying a major city, how is it?" Black-Cat asked.

"I do say it's quite the improvement, bigger yes, but overall I do believe that I could love this." Reginald said.

"I do need you to use it again though, once the warhead is placed on of course." Black-Cat said. "Also you saw those plastic things that look like they need to be dropped right?"

"Oh, yes those, what are they for?" Reginald asked.

"Dropping down robots, and maybe people with parachutes." Black-Cat responded. "Anyways I need you and the rest of the Toppats to attack a star shaped planet called Popstar, and burn the town on it to the ground until it's all ash." Black-Cat said.

"Why of course, it's the least we can do." Reginald said.

"Hm, thank you, y'know you are one polite leader, compared to my last collaborator." Black-Cat said.

"Hm, must've been a disloyal bastard, did I just say that?" Reginald asked.

"Oh yeah, I should tell you that some universes have filtering that once you travel a universe or two it doesn't really continue." Black-Cat explained.

"Hm, alright, that's going to take some getting used to." Reginald said.

"Trust me it's a fast learning process, just say whatever you want."

Kirby and Bandana Dee were wandering through Whispy Woods and playing around a bit.

"Kirby, I feel, well, useless." Bandana Dee said.

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