Ch 3- Riddles Rooted in Mystery

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Phil, Smiley, Zack, and Fre- I mean Phred were all waling on the sidewalk chatting about their days.

"So Smiley I heard you got to level ten of Bonecrushers." Phil said.

"Yeah it's really hard, but I think I can beat it with determination." Smiley responded.

"You love that word huh?" Phred asked sarcastically.

"What determination?"


"What it's just a word that I think describes me the best." 

"So does obnoxious" Zack said hi-fiving Phred.

"H-hey no it doesn't!" Smiley yelled balling her fist.

"Yeah guys c'mon we're all friends here." Phil said trying to calm the tension.

"Alright sorry Smiles." Phred said as Zack nodded.

"Great now what to do today?" Phil asked as they heard a thud in the alleyway next to them.

"I guess check that out." Phred said.

They all approached the alleyway and looked around at  the scenery.

They then heard rustling in the trash can nearby.

"Don't worry boys I got this." Smiley said.

She then walked up to the trash and saw a pair of eyes staring at her, those eyes then became a trash covered monster.

"He-ya!" She yelled kicking the monster's face in then doing more martial arts on him.

"Ow, gah, Stop it gosh darn i t!" The monster yelled as trash flew off him showing he was a blue cat A.K.A Gumball Watterson.

"Uh, Smiley I don't think that's a monster." Zack said as Smiley slowed down her attacks then taking a good look at the cat.

"Oh, sorry." She said as Gumball cracked his back.

"Um, yeah what the what why did you toss me like I was a frozen bag with a skeleton inside." He said

"Uh, sorry again, so uh, what's your name?" Phil asked.

"Gumball, Gumball Watterson."

"I'm Phil, The girl's name is Smiley, the guy on fire is Zack, and Phred is the guy behind me."

"Well I guess it's okay to meet you Phil."

"Nice meeting you too Gumdrop."


"Yeah that's what you said right?"

"No I said it's Gumball Egghead." 

"My last name's Eggtree dang it."

"You never said anything about a last name!"

The other three looked as the two fought.

"You guys want popcorn?" Phred asked as Zack sighed.

Darwin woke up seeing a purple sky with a castle nearby.

"Penny, Carrie where are you guys?" He asked.

He then saw a man with green skin walking along and dragging his feet on the floor.

"Excuse me sir have you seen two girls, one's a yellow Fairy shape shifting thing and the other's a beautiful ghost that's a goth." He said.

"Brains uuuurrrghh" The man said turning around.

"Brains uh, I don't know if ghost have brains or not but Penny does, maybe." Darwin said.

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