Chapter 6- doing the thing to the thing

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Black-Cat sat down on his desk and tapped his fingers while waiting for the other two.

The door then opened with Zomboss walking in stomping.

"I can't believe you, you promised me so much and now look, my mansion, my zombies, it's all gone, because of you!" Zomboss yelled.

Black-Cat just stood up and tapped his desk gently.

"Hmm, I guess I shouldn't have given you heat seeking missiles, if I knew you were stupid enough to fire them at a fucking fish, instead of the fire plants they were meant for, then the rain of bullets you threw at your own Men, *hmph*, because of me, you absolute imbecile of wasted potential, I built it, you wasted it, know the damn difference!" Black-Cat yelled slamming his desk.

Zomboss was silent.

"Do you, Fucking understand me, I am the boss, I gave you robots with lasers and a giant mech of your invention that may I add, had military grade weapons equivalent to an entire nation, know. your goddamn. place." Black-Cat said again grabbing Zomboss'collar and slapping him.

"Y-yes, sir."

"Good, now work on those zombies." Black-Cat said.

Zomboss then ran out as Shadow Man and Mania walked in, with the new hire... Ridley.

"Ah, good to finally meet you Ridley." Black-Cat said taking another seat.

"I am quite, honored, that you requested me to be here." Ridley said.

The slender light purple dragon was surprised at the imperial leader of multiple planets was, short, big headed, and had a mask on.

"What is it you require for me to do?" Ridley asked.

Black-Cat then grabbed two photos and slid them on his desk to the dragon, one was a blue cat and the other one was a white boy with a green hoodie and a face like an incomplete bowling ball.

"Kill them, that's it, billion in whatever currency you use when you're done." Black-Cat said cutting to the chase.

"Alright then, consider them dead." Ridley smiled, one billion for two kids easy job.

Charles was flying the copter towards the base in the jungle with Henry, Ellie, Dave, and the kids riding inside with them.

Charles then got a call from an anonymous number.


"Give the phone to the yellow kid." A British voice said.

Charles gave the phone to Ellie and directed her to Smiley.

"Smiles, we got a little message for you and your mates." The brit said.

The phone then had muffled screaming of adults.

"Mr. Sundae how long have you been without your precious wittle girl?" He asked.

"T-two days, two days you freakish alien!" Smiley's dad yelled.

"Call me a bloody alien one more time and I'll shoot a rock through your leg like the damn dog you are!" He yelled back.

Smiley started to hyperventilate.

"W-who are you, and what are you doing with my parents?" Smiley asked.

"Call me Rocky, I'm with the spooky tentacle hog and that Z bloke." Rocky said.

"Anyways, all I want is the damn brats, you can give 'em or I'll bludgeon their parents and drive them to slit their throats or somethin'" Rocky demanded. "Either way it's in your best interest to hand them over!" Rocky yelled.

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