Ch 2- The Storm

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"Can you believe it Darwin, grounded!" Gumball the blue feline yelled.

"Dude I'm not the one who drank "liquid courage"" Darwin replied.

"I only had a sip and thought it was terrible, besides I was knocked out and woke up in the forest pulled a cool sword out a-and then I-"

"Let me stop you right there dude, we both know that head of yours is too big to get you knocked out." Darwin said shaking his... body I guess.

"Dude out of all people you are the most likely to know what I mean!"

"It's not Darwin's responsibility to keep you out of trouble y'know." A voice said from behind Gumball.

It was Carrie who had her arms crossed and looked angered.

"Carrie?" Gumball said as Anais walked in.

"Yeah Gumball accountability is something you have to learn in order to grow as a person." The pink rabbit said.

"Look can't I just explain myself, you guys are putting me down lower than an anchor who eats too much." Gumball said taking a seat on his bed.

"Fine tell the "whole" story." Carrie said grabbing on to Darwin.

"Ok so, I walked through an alleyway and then this Sonic looking guy came up to me pointed out a penny which let me avoid my demise and then he tried spin attacking me which I ended up hurting him and after a few times I head butted him into a car breaking him to pieces and THEN-

Mr. Black-Cat looked at Metal, Sonic, Mega, Stuart, and... Z all with disappointment.

"I can't believe it, out of my strongest workers you failed to kill a measly thirteen year old, I am immeasurably disappointed, and my day is practically ruined!" He yelled at the five.

"Hey don't blame us, and by us I mean Me, Mega, and the chicken, blame Metal and Z, they only Tranqed him and left him in a river." Sonic the (not) Hedgehog said.

"Oh pipe down, you were disassembled by a head-butt and a car." Metal replied crossing his arms.

"Oh yeah well how abou-"

"SILENCE!" Black-Cat ordered.

"I've sent Mania and Shadow Man to track and off that blue menace, is that clear?" Black-Cat asked as his claws came out.

The two robots then nodded and replied with multiple weak yesses

"Now Z, I was least expecting you to not finish him off." Black-Cat said as Z had his stoic face still on.

"Well sir, you should've told me it was a child and should've fully read my contract knowing that I wouldn't kill anyone under eighteen." Z Said glaring down the person who had probably thought so little of him.

"Hmph, fine, you all may carry on, I have my own business to attend to." Black-Cat said as he pulled his Telemension out to the "Interviewing" Room.

"-Okay, do you guys know where I'm coming from now?" Gumball asked.

"No"                                                                                                                                                                                      "Not a clue Gumball."                                                                                                                                                            "Definitely not"

Gumball then felt something, a disturbance in the neighborhood.

"Penny" He mumbled.

"Wha-" Darwin was cut off by Gumball leaping out the window prepared to land on his feet, but instead he landed on his face.

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