Scream Your Heart Out (Donna Diego, aka Scream)

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"Care to run that by me again? I think I had something in my ear" Spider-Man, the hero behind the man named Peter Parker, questioned in bewilderment. Standing in front of him, two people that he knew were hosts of Symbiotes. He and the Symbiotes never had gotten along, but he could admit that he and Venom were at least understanding each other once more.

"Donna talked to us after defeating the Xenophage..." Eddie Brock, the current host of Venom, stood in front of him. There was a curly red haired female right beside him, looking at him as if eating him with her sight. He took a very unnoticeable step back, fearful for his life. He didn't want to end up as food for a hungry female Symbiote. "She wants a new beginning, to try and be better. Who better to explain that to her than you, right?"

Peter looked straight at the eyes of the host of Venom, his mouth slightly gaping in shock. He looked at the female, who waved at him while sending him a wink. It made him shudder. He was honest to admit that the woman was very sexy, his weakness for red haired females letting himself known in his mind. But he rather be alive than turn into symbiotic food for a lustful Scream.


"We would stay a bit longer, but we really have to clear things up with the police... Thanks again, Spidey" Peter couldn't even believe that Brock just left him there alone with the supposedly resentful host and symbiote pairing who compose the villain, or ex-villain, Scream. She was looking at him, and even her Symbiote created her sinister face from the woman's shoulder to lick its lips before disappearing once more. If that was not a clue that told him that he should get the hell out of there, he didn't know what it was.

"So... What is the first thing we must do, handsome~?" Her eyes fluttered, making him gulp loudly. He didn't know what her game was, but he definitely had to escape from her grasp. So he straightened up, trying to look as if it didn't bother him. But he knew that she had noticed his earlier uncomfortness at her actions.

"W-Well... this hero gig is fairly easy. Just patrol the area and stop any crime" He answered, albeit reluctantly. He turned around, giving his back to the female. He needed to show her just what he was talking about the patrol. "You can follow me if you want. But be sure to watch everything I do"

"Oh, don't worry... We won't even blink~!" She licked her lips, her eyes going down towards the buttocks of the hero. She had to admit that all the swinging the hero did on a daily basis didn't do him any justice. Her blue eyes caught the hero shivering slightly, which probably was to her looking at his ass.

"We can't wait to get a taste of him~!" Donna could hear her symbiote talking to her inside of her head. She could agree that the man would probably be a nice fuckbuddy, but what she couldn't comprehend was her obsession with the arachnid hero. Ever since she agreed to try and get closer to the hero, her symbiote had calmed down drastically.

"Remind me again who do we have to thank for your obsession with the arachnid?" But she had to hand it to her Symbiote, the choice had been amazing. Not only was the man a previous host of a Symbiote, but he probably was a powerhouse in bed. His stamina is rumored to be the best around all heroes.

"We can thank dear old dad later..." Her Symbiote stated, as it started to cover her completely. The Symbiote was yellow and dark red, with only parts of her newly yellow and darker hair maintaining a line of her bright red. Both of them smirked, extending their right arm up to let out a symbiotic web to follow the arachnid hero. "Right now... We must think of a way to garner his affection"

Time Skip

Donna was relatively tired, thinking that she and her Symbiote were now working together. She would have never been able to do this kind of routine if they didn't agree to cooperate with each other. It dawned on her as to why Spider-Man easily defeated them when she and the others fought him at the Life Foundation. The man was a stamina freak.

"How... can you do this... all day?" She was breathing heavily, though thankfully it was not that much. She really had to thank Scream for this, it was obvious that she was nowhere near being ready for this kind of daily routine. It was probably going to end up killing both of them.

"I have been doing this for years, y'know..." He stated, making her nod a bit at that. She definitely knew that the man had been doing this for a long time, even before she bonded herself to her Symbiote. "You will get used to it in no time" She really didn't know about that, but she would take his word for it. It was very impressive seeing him from the other side of the window. The hero really did earn his title as the Amazing Spider-Man. "But, what about you? How did it feel being a hero for a change?"

"It was... something. We don't know how to explain it" She saw just how he nodded, looking at her with a relaxed form. She didn't know why, but knowing that he was getting calmer around her excited even further than making him uncomfortable. It made her heart race. "But we did enjoy this~" She slurred a bit, her symbiotic eyes looking at the hero in front of her. She heard his chuckle, which was like music to both of their ears. The more she knew the hero, the more she wanted to spend with him. "Maybe we could patrol alongside you again? It could be fun~"

"Sure. I am always ready to save lives..." She noticed just how he trailed off, not finishing the sentence he had started to say. She raised a brow but since she was still in her Scream persona, it was unnoticeable. She slowly shifted back into her human form, her red hair being noticeable one more. She slowly walked towards him.

"I think I changed my mind..." It was then that she kissed him on his lips, the only thing separating both of them was the mask that was still covering his entire face. Her eyes were half lidded, which made her see just how the lenses of his mask shot open real fast. She disconnected, moving her hands towards the lower end of the mask before removing it until she could see his mouth. "We want some fun right now~!"

It was then that she fully kissed him, her moan being muffled. Her hands were roaming his entire body, trying to remember every inch of it. She was going to claim him as hers, something she rarely has done in the past. But the hero was so worth it. She would really have to become a hero if she wanted this to work, but it was something she could manage. She had him by her side to help her along. In the end, she just knew that everything would be worth it.

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