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Nancy waited anxiously in her room, writing in the dating journal she and Robin had been keeping. They'd been dating for 4 months and she loved every moment of it. The sound of a familiar knock on the front door pulled her out of her thoughts. She eagerly ran down the stairs to meet Robin, practically throwing herself onto her when she opened the door. "Hey Nance, I missed you too" she exclaimed, wrapping here arms around the other girl. "I missed you so much, if my parents weren't here I'd give you a kiss" she whispered, loud enough so that only Robin could hear. "Come on, let's go" the shorter girl claimed, grabbing Robins arm. "Robin! I didn't know you'd be here! How are you?" Karen asked. "Oh um yeah! Nancy actually invited me over. And I'm doing good!". "Oh, well thats lovely, I hope you girls have a great time" she smiled at them. Nancy impatiently dragged Robin up stairs. Once they made it to Nancy's room she shut the door and pinned Robin to it, kissing her roughly. "Wow, someone's desperate" Robin rasped between kisses. "Shut up" Nancy replied as she moved her mouth to start kissing down Robins neck. "Nance.." she whimpered. Nancy smirked at her. After 10 more minutes of making out they finally separated. "God Robin, I wish we didn't have to hide. I want to be able to love you in public. Let everybody know that we're girlfriends. I'm not scared of what they'll think anymore. I want to be able to kiss you and hold your hand in public". "Aww Nance. Oh my god, I love you so much. I want that too" Robin whispered as she pulled Nancy impossibly closer. "I love you. You know what Rob? I think I'm ready to tell my mom about us". "Really? I mean are you sure you're ready? Either way I'm  so proud of you baby" she said in a husky voice. "Yeah. I want to be able to kiss you when you come over. I don't want to hide anymore" she remarked. "Okay. I like that idea". They stayed there in that same position and cuddled for a while longer. Eventually Robin had to leave, she made sure to give Nancy a long, sweet kiss before walking downstairs and making her way home. Shortly after Robin left, Nancy decided that's she'd discuss the idea of coming out to her mom with her brother Mike. She quietly knocked on the door, earning and grunt from her younger brother. "What do you want" he grumbled. "I want to talk" she said. "You, want to talk? You've gotta want something. Whatever, come in" he sighed. As she walked in the door he took it as an opportunity to talk again. "Alright, cut the act. What do you want Nancy" he asked, clearly annoyed. "Oh my god Mike. I don't want anything. I just want to talk". "Are you here for my excellent brotherly advice" he replied smugly. "Yes. I am." she replied, playing along. "What is it that you need help with?" he grumbled. "Okay so you know Robin right?" "Yes, what are you on about" he asked. "I um. I'm a lesbian! We're actually dating". He looked at her with disgust. "Eww what? Bleh". "God damn it Mike. I thought you might be decent about it" Nancy mumbled angrily. "What? Oh no. This has nothing to do with the fact that you're dating her. I don't care about that. It's just gross to see my sister with someone". "Oh. God you scared me for a second. Anyway I wanted to tell you something else". "Okay. What is it that you want to tell me" he said, giving her a quizzical look. "I want to tell mom" she whispered. " "Okay, than do it" he mumbled. "It's not that easy" she huffed. "What? How? You told her about Steve and Johnathan, why should this be any different" he questioned. Nancy sighed. "You don't get it Mike. Robins a girl. Mom doesn't even know I'm into girls!". "So what? Just tell her. It's not like she'd hate you or something" he deadpanned. "How would you know that?" She groaned. "I'm not saying I know but I think you should give it a shot. Tell her" he responded. "Fine. I guess. Thanks Mike" she said before closing his door and walking to her room. She decided it'd be better if she recited what she would say in the mirror before actually talking to her mom. After her mom had tucked Holly into bed Nancy decided it was now or never. "Hey mom" she shouted. "Yes? Are you okay?" Karen questioned, walking to Nancy's room. "Yeah, I'm fine. Actually can I talk to you?" "Sure" she responded as she walked into her daughters room. "What's up" she said, sitting on the bed. "I um. So you know how Johnathan and I broke up?". "Yes" her mom replied in a curious tone. "Well I- um I'm actually dating someone else" Nancy whispered meekly. "Oh you are? What's his name". "It's um. Not a he". Karen gave her a quizzical look. Nancy felt her heart rate increase. Fuck. "You know Robin?" She nodded. "Well um. We're dating! Surprise! I like girls!" Nancy exclaimed, trying to stop herself from crying. "Oh Nancy.." she whispered as she pulled her eldest child into a hug. Nancy started crying. "I'm sorry" she sobbed. "Hey, hey. You have nothing to be sorry for". "You-you're not mad?" she asked. "No. Of course not. I just want you to be happy. And if she makes you happy than that's all that matters". Nancy smiled, she was so grateful for her mother. "She dose. She makes me happy" she replied. "Good. I love you Nancy". "I love you too mom" she said, hugging her. The next morning Nancy was in a rush to finish getting ready and tell Robin about everything. Hurriedly, she rushed out the front door shouting "I gotta go, see you bye" before leaving the house. When she arrived at Robins she knocked on the door and waited patiently. "Nance? What are you doing here? It's so early" Robin groaned, drowsiness dripping from her voice. "I came out to my mom!" "Really?" she asked. "Yeah! She said that as long as you make me happy she's okay with it! And honestly Robin, you do. You make me the happiest girl in the world" Nancy said, hugging Robin. "Aww Nance..I love you so much" she whispered, kissing her on the cheek. "I love you too"

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