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Nancy Wheeler never deemed herself a jealous person. At least until it came to Robin Buckley. Maybe than she was jealous. Nancy hated seeing Robin being even slightly flirty with anyone other than her. They weren't even dating, so then why did she care? This was a question she often asked herself. She and Robin had this odd playful, flirty banter going on between them. Nancy wasn't sure what it meant. She did however, know how it made her feel. It made her feel all bubbly inside, warm and light. Like it was her and Robin against the world. After a lot of denial and pondering she came to the conclusion that she did in fact have a crush on Robin Buckley. It didn't really surprise her, seeing as she was a flushed mess around the girl. Although she was happy she figured out why she was so jealous of Robin flirting with other people she wasn't satisfied. She wanted Robin. Probably too much. So much on fact she nearly told the girl! It was a Friday night in October and Robin had invited Nancy to have a sleepover at her house. When she arrived she knocked gently on the door. "Hey Nance!" Robin exclaimed. "Hi!" Nancy smiled. Robin gestured for her to come in. Robin led Nancy to her room. She could tell the smaller girl felt nervous so she did the only thing she could think of to help. "Make yourself comfortable!"she paused due to Nancy's blank stare. "Heya Nance? Are you okay?". "Huh? Oh yeah um. I'm fine!" she laughed nervously. "Are you sure?" Robin asked, dragging her thumb over Nancy's knuckles. "Yeah. Just a little..nervous. That's all!". Robin could still hear an anxious tone in her voice. "Hey uh. Would you maybe wanna smoke a little? It usually helps me when I'm feeling jittery" she suggested. "Like weed?". "What!? No! Like cigarettes. And I like to do it on the roof, I know that might sound weird but the view is really nice from up there!". "Yeah. Actually that sounds really nice. I'd like that. Robin? Are you a smoker " Nancy replied. She laughed before saying "No, I just do it whenever I need to wind down. Now come on!" she said, grabbing Nancy's hand and leading her outside. "Okay so we kinda have to climb up onto the roof, sorry" Robin told her. "No it's okay!". "Okay so uh. Climb on top of my shoulders, I'll help you climb up and than once you make it up there help me?". Nancy nodded as she climbed on top of Robin and onto the roof. "Hey! You got dirt on me" Robin pouted playfully. "Oh get over it. Now come up here!" Nancy said, reaching out her hand for Robin to take. She felt a surge of electricity course go through her body as she felt Robins touch. Finally after a bit of struggling she made it onto the roof with Nancy. "Thanks" she sighed, grabbing the cigarette pack out of her pocket. She took out one for herself and one for Nancy, lighting and each of them. "Here ya go" she said, handing the cigarette to her. "Thank you. You're right. The view really is pretty from up here" the smaller girl remarked. "Yeah it is" Robin said. But little did she know she was actually talking about Nancy, not the lovely fall scenery. "You're really pretty. The sun highlights the colors in your hair" Robin commented. "Oh I um- thank you". "You're pretty too"she said. She lied there thinking 'you will be my girl' as she stared at Robin. She smiled at her and they spent the rest of the night stargazing and smoking cigarettes on the roof. The second time
Nancy thought 'you will be my girl' is when she and Robin had a sleepover. Nancy invited her to her house. "Robin!" Nancy exclaimed as she opened the door and hugged her. "Hi Nance" she laughed. "Come in" she said. She followed her to her room. "Soo what're we gonna do" Robin asked. "Well I was thinking we could watch a movie?" "Okay! That sounds fun". "Yeah! Okay follow me" Nancy said gesturing towards Robin and leading her downstairs. "What do you wanna watch" she asked. "It's doesn't really matter to me!" "Okay. Dose the breakfast club sound good?". Robins mood instantly changed. "Perfect! I love that movie" she exclaimed. "Okay! Cool" she smiled. They sat down on the couch after Nancy put the tape in. Eventually Robin feel asleep, leaning her head on Nancy. Once again she thought 'you will be my girl'. The third time it happened she was on the verge of breaking. Prom was coming up and everyone was extremely excited. Nancy secretly wished that Robin might ask her. But no. She asked Vickie. Nancy hated Vickie with every fiber of her being. She didn't really have a reason to either. Well she did. As far as she knew Vickie was Robins crush—which was true at the moment. She hated her. Vickie was always stealing the spotlight. Talking to Robin and constantly interrupting Nancy. Not to mention she hurt Robin when she saw her at the store, kissing her boyfriend. The same boyfriend she colinceidently broke up with soon after. Than she proceeded to flirt with Robin. How did Nancy know? Well Robin actually told her. She gritted her teeth in annoyance as she listened to Robin talk. Finally prom night arrived. Nancy agreed to drive Robin to the dance because Steve would be busy with some girl and she didn't want any part of that. When Nancy arrived at Robins house she nearly passed out just from looking at the girl. She wore a grey tuxedo with a very revealing white shirt underneath. She had a bit of extra eyeliner and mascara, it really brought out the blue in her eyes. "W-woah. You look- gorgeous" Nancy uttered. For a moment she thought she was hallucinating but as Robin walked closer to her she realized what she was seeing was 100% real. Robins face was coated with a light shade of pink. "Oh- I um. Tha-thank you. You look really pretty too" she muttered as she got into Nancy's car. She smiled at her as she drove off to the school. Once she arrived Robin rushed to get out of the car to find Vickie, causing Nancy to grimace. "I'm gonna go, see ya Nance!" she exclaimed. "Bye" Nancy dose sadly. She was upset that Robin would be going with Vickie. "Robin! Hi!" Vickie greeted her in what sounded like a fake voice to go with her obviously fake smile."Hi! You look beautiful". "Oh thank you. You look nice too". 'Nice? She looks more than "nice". She's stunning. Handsome even' Nancy thought. Nancy watched the two girls go to the dance floor. She felt her blood boil in anger. She hated Vickie. She thought she didn't deserve Robin. Nancy sighed as she walked over to the concession stand and bought herself something to eat. She sat in the bleachers watching Robin laugh and smile at Vickie's antics, only making her jealousy worse. She sighed. A while later she heard Vickie tell Robin that she had to go to the bathroom. She thought nothing of it. That was until she saw Vickie walk over to a boy. Nancy glared at the redhead girl, hoping she'd catch the stink eye she was giving her. Nancy decided she'd go to the bathroom to try and clear her head. Vickie had been gone for five minutes when Robin decided to go look for her. She walked around the gym that the dance was located in until she found her. Her heart dropped at the sight of it. Vickie was kissing a boy. "What the fuck" Robin shouted at her, tears in her eye, threatening to fall down her face. "I-it's not what it looks like!". "The fuck you say. You know I actually thought we had something. I guess I was wrong. Fuck you Vickie" she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. She ran out of the gym and into the bathroom, not watching where she was going, she ran directly into Nancy. "Fuck. I'm sorry" Robin cried. "No it's okay" Nancy replied, looking up at Robin. "Oh my good Robin, what happened?" she asked, sounding extremely concerned. "It-it's nothing. It doesn't matter" she said whiping a tear. Nancy put her hand on the other girls shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here for you. Tell me. What's wrong?". Robin sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. Maybe it would be good to talk to someone about it. And who would be better to talk to than Nancy Wheeler herself? "Vickie said she was going to the bathroom a-and she was gone for 5 minutes, so I thought I'd go check on her. As I was walking around the gym I saw her. She was kissing some boy. I saw and nearly broke down in to tears. Than I yelled at her and said "fuck you" and walked away" Robin sobbed, restating what happened made her cry even harder. "Oh Robin" Nancy said in sympathy. "Come here" she said, she and Robin sat in the floor. She wrapped her arms around the girl and held her close. She let Robin cry. After 10 minutes of holding and comforting her, she finally stopped crying. "Would it make you feel better if I danced with you" Nancy offered. "You know what? That actually sounds quiet nice. Yeah, I'd like that" Robin whispered. "Okay, come on" she smiled, standing up and reaching out a hand for Robin to take. She quickly obliged and took the smaller girls hand. They walked together, hands intertwined, back to the gym. Much to Nancy's dismay, there was a romantic song booming from the stereos. She winced, thinking about how embarrassed she'd be dancing with Robin. She felt like a rebound. Like Robin only chose to dance with her to get over Vickie. She snapped back to reality when Robin asked her a question. "Hey are you okay? You seem a little off" she asked. "What? No I'm fine. Let's dance" she responded. Robin took Nancy's hand and spun her around. Nancy giggled at her maneuver . Due to Robins clumsiness she ended up accidentally causing Nancy to fall. Luckily she caught her, resulting in Nancy's face turning tomato red. "Oh my god" she laughed. "You look like a tomato" she giggled. "Oh shut up" she blushed. The two girls continued dancing for a while until Nancy decided to say something. "Hey Robin" she asked the dancing girl. "Yeah?". "I um. I'm really sorry about Vickie". Robins face instantly turned into a frown. "I-it's okay. Besides, I've always liked straight girls,it's pointless . I've kind of given up on my love life" she mumbled. "Aw Rob, don't give up" Nancy replied with a sad face. "I feel like it" she said. "Don't". "What's the point Nance? No one ever likes me". "I like you". "Wait what" she asked, completely shocked. "I said. I like you. Did I already tell you how pretty you are? You look really nice tonight". "I um- th-thank you. You also really pretty today. I mean you always look pretty! Just especially tonight. Did that sounds mean? Shit, I didn't mean it in a bad way I jus-" "Robin" Nancy said, cutting her off. "Oh. I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry". "No it's okay. I love listening to you ramble. It's kind of cute. Oh and about you calling me pretty. Thank you. You're so pretty Robin" Nancy replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind the taller girls ear. "I- um. Uh, thank you? I- wait you think I'm cute and pretty?" she asked. "Yeah. Adorable even. You're the most beautiful person I know" she responded. Robin smiled softly and blushed a deep crimson color. "Now you're the one who looks like a tomato" Nancy giggled. Robin playfully smacked her arm, laughing. "Can I tell you something" she asked, arms still rested on Robins waist, the taller girls hands on Nancy's shoulders. "Yeah. What's up". "Robin. I wanted to tell you something. I really like you Rob. As in a lot" Robin looked at her with a dazed and confused look on her face. Nancy sighed, knowing she'd have to be more specific. "Robin. Look what I- you know what, fuck it. Can I kiss you?". Robins faced instantly heated up and the red color darkened. "I um- what?". "Can I kiss you" she repeated. "You. Nancy fucking Wheeler. Want to kiss me? Robin Buckley? I think I'm dreaming, pinch me". "Yes, I do." Nancy laughed. "I still don't believe you. I need proof that this isn't a dream". "Fine" Nancy sighed as she gently pinched Robins arm. She winced at the feeling. "Well I guess I'm not dreaming". "Guess not. Now kiss me". Robins face scrunched up, she was extremely flustered. "I-. Holy shit. I can't believe this. Nancy Wheeler actually wants to kiss me. Little band nerd, local lesbian, me. Robin Buckley. What the fuck? Oh my god I-" Robin tried to keep speaking before Nancy did something she's been aching to do for a long time. Shut her up with a kiss. The kiss was filled with passion. Nancy had never felt so full. Finally she had to pull back for air. "You are an idiot Robin Buckley". "You are beautiful Nancy Wheeler" she said as the smaller girl leaned back in for another kiss. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Nancy asked. "Oh my god yes! Yes!" She exclaimed, practically jumping onto Nancy. They spent the rest of night kissing and slow dancing.

A/N: I hope you understood the girl in red reference 🤭

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