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TW: Slight smut (not really but it's semi PG), mentions of alcohol.

Robin Buckley was always awkward. But nothing compared to her being drunk. She was extra bold when intoxicated. Yep, tonight was one of those nights. Some how Steve managed to convince her to go to a house party. Although she wasn't necessarily looking forward to it she was excited, knowing that there'd be alcohol involved. At around 7:00pm Steve came to her house to pick her up. They arrived at a seemingly large house, full of teenagers and young adults. Shitty pop music blasted from the house, the front yard was filled with people, some making out and others vomiting in bushes. Robins social anxiety made an appearance as she walked through the crowded yard. Before she even got a chance to stop him, Steve had walked off to talk to some jocks. Robin sighed as she walked through the building, trying to find someone, anyone she knew. When she finally made it to the kitchen her eyes landed on a certain someone. That someone being the one and only  Nancy Wheeler. That's right Nancy Wheeler. The girl Robin was 'head over heels' in love with. She sighed as she approached her. "Hiya Nance, fancy seein you here" Robin said. She immediately regretted it and mentally face palmed herself. "Hey Rob. What're you doing here" she asked. "Steve made me. I don't even want to go. I just came for the alcohol". "Oh. Cool. Wanna get wasted together?" she suggested. "Sounds fun. I'm in". With that the two girls started chugging what Nancy would call 'pure fuel'. It didn't take long until they were completely wasted. Someone announced that they'd be playing spin the bottle and truth or dare. The two girls didn't hesitate to follow the group of people heading to the basement to play the games. Spin the bottle was the first game they played. Robin waited impatiently for her turn, praying that it'd land on the girl next to her. Praying for it to land on Nancy. But Nancy got to go before her. She crossed her fingers and the girl reached out her hand to spin the bottle. Robin shut her eyes until the sound of the glass against the hard floor stopped. She opened her eyes to see that the bottle had landed on Steve. Of course. Nancy looked unimpressed at the realization that she'd have to kiss her ex, but she didn't want to be seen as a 'pussy' so she sucked it up and went for it. Steve looked pleased, but the kissed ended almost as quickly as it started. 'Oh my god. I want to bleach
my eyes' Robin thought. "Okay, my turn" she said as she took the bottle from Nancy's hand and spun it. She sucked in a deep breathe only to let it out when she turned her head to look at the person it landed on. Holy fucking shit. It landed on Nancy. Much to Robins surprise the other girl looked flushed. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to" Robin whispered. "It's okay" she whispers sweetly. Robin moved in front of Nancy so that she was directly facing her. All eyes in the room were focused on them. Robin gasped as Nancy grabbed her face and leaned in. They kissed for longer than expected, when they pulled away each of their faces extremely flushed. You can only guess how everyone reacted. Some people looked like they saw a ghost, some looked happy for them, and others looked disgusted. "Nancy, I think we should leave" Robin whispered in her ear. She nodded her head. "We're um. Gonna go" Robin muttered, taking Nancy's hand in her own. The others nodded in understanding as the girls walked away. They went to the kitchen and chugged a few more drinks. "I would've preferred if our first kiss wasn't in front of a bunch of people" Robin said. "W-what" Nancy stuttered. "I said. I wish our first kiss wasn't in front of a bunch of people" she repeated. "I-". "Hush" Robin rasped, putting her finger over Nancy's lips, causing the other girl to go beat red. "I like you a lot Nancy. As in a lot a lot" Robin remarked as she gripped Nancy's chin. "Can I kiss you for real now" she asked in a husky voice. "I- um. Yeah. Yeah you can". she replied nervously. Robin brought Nancy's face closer to hers and than locked their lips. They kissed for a good 10 seconds before separating for air. "You're hot" Robin sneered. Nancy couldn't even formulate a response. She ended up turning a deep shade of crimson. A wave of adrenaline rushed over her as she leaned forward and reconnected her and Robins lips. This led to a makeout session. Nancy pushed her onto the counter so that she was sitting on it and pushed her back, ultimately declaring her dominance. "Let's finish this up stairs shall we" Robin suggested. "I like that idea. But first" she replied, grabbing a cup and filling it with liquid. She took a sip and than handed it to Robin so she could have a drink. "Alright let's go" Robin said, grabbing Nancy's hand and dragging her up the stairs. The first room they went to was already occupied. To say they were traumatized from what they saw would be an understatement. The next room the went to, they decided it'd be safer to knock. "Anyone in here" Robin asked. "Yes" someone shouted. She huffed in annoyance. Thankfully the third room they went in was free. She grabbed Nancy, shut the door and pinned her against it. She kissed her lips and than started dragging kisses down her neck, making sure to leave marks. She even managed to get the other girl to moan. Robins hands moved from Nancy's waist up to her shirt, tugging at the bottom as if asking for permission to enter. Nancy nodded. Robin slid her hands up the girls shirt, getting dangerously close to her bra. "Is this okay" she asked. She wanted to be sure Nancy wanted this. "More than okay" she replied, voice barely above a whisper. "Let's move to the bed" Robin said, locking the door as to make sure no one walks in on them. Robin makes her way to the bed, seeing Nancy already sitting up on it. Robin gets onto the bed and proceeds to straddle the smaller girls hips. She pushes her down and continues where she left off. Kissing her with passion and gently sliding her hands up her shirt. "May I" Robin asked, lifting Nancy's shirt. She wanted to be sure the other girl was okay with this. "Yes. Please". At that Robin gently tugged the shirt off the girl, leaving she exposed in just a bra and pants. "Damn. You're fucking beautiful" Robin said, she was completely in awe. She leaned back down and kissed her again, hands moving closer and closer to Nancy's boobs. She took them still fully clothed in her hands and gave each one a small squeeze. This of course, caused a vocal reaction. A moan elicited from her mouth as Robin touched her. In a surge of arousal Robin removed her own shirt and even took of her bra. This caused Nancy's mouth to gape. "Holy fucking shit. You're so hot" Nancy whimpered . She couldn't contain herself as she grabbed Robins boobs and begun fumbling around with them. "Mmm Nancy" she moaned. That's when Nancy's decided she wanted more. She gave Robin permission to unhook her bra, leaving both girls topless. Robin leaned back down to capture Nancy's lips in her own. They both couldn't help but moan at the skin on skin contact, their breasts touching.They continued making out and playing with each others boobs for a while longer before they eventually decided they should stop for now before it goes any further. As Robin put her shirt back on she popped the question that's been in her head since they first kissed. "So..dose this make us. Girlfriends?". Nancy stopped what she was doing to look Robin in the eyes. "If that's what you want us to be than yes. I'd like that" she uttered. "It is. I'd love to be your girlfriend" Robin replied, giddily. "Good" Nancy smiled as she kissed Robin once more. They went back down stairs and Robin decided she should look for Steve. He was her ride home after all. "Well uh. I should probably find Steve, he's my ride home. Bye Nance" she said as she kissed Nancy's cheek. "Bye Robin" she responded as she lifted her hand to place it where the freckled girl kissed her. After walking through the house for a while longer Robin finally found him. "Steve" she shouted over the loud music. "Steve Harrington!!" She yelled even louder, finally catching his attention. He walked over to her and asked "What". "It's getting late. I think we should head home". "Aw man. Okay. Hey guys I gotta go" Steve said, waving at the people he was talking to. On their way to the car he decided to strike up a conversation, curious on why the girl seemed so happy. "You seem happy" he remarked. "I am" she responsed as they climbed into the car. "And why's that". "No reason. Okay maybe there's a reason. I got a girlfriend" she smiled. "Nancy?" he asked, a knowing smirk on his face. "Yeah. Wait, how'd you know". "I was in the room when you guys kissed during spin the bottle. You looked hella flustered when you guys separated and than you both went up stairs? I mean come on Robin. Obviously there's something going on between you two". "Oh. And you're not mad". To say Steve looked shocked would be an understatement. "No? Why would I be". Robin sighed in relief before saying "I though you'd be mad because you know, she your ex". ""Nah, I'm over her. And besides. I'm happy for you Robin" he smiled. "Aw thanks Steve"

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