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Nancy Wheeler knew she was different. She knew something was wrong with her. She knew she shouldn't look at girls the way she dose. She shouldn't look at them and want to kiss them and hold their hands. She shouldn't watch a pretty girls every move. She most definitely shouldn't be flustered by a pretty girl simply talking to her! Even if a pretty girl handed her a pencil or accidentally brushed their hands together, it caused Nancys heart to skip a beat. Although she was able to admit that she did in-fact like girls romantically she didn't label herself. She knew she was a lesbian. She just couldn't say it aloud. It's not like she had internalized homophobia or something like that. She wasn't in denial. She was just scared. She knew if second the wrong person heard about it she's be doomed. Everyone would hate her. Her family would shame her, teachers and peers would shun her. She'd be an outcast. Nancy biggest fear was rejection.  She always sought validation. But none of that mattered right now. Right now all she could think about was Robin. She had been pinned to the wall by the girl who started kissing her. With out hesitation she kissed back, shoving her tongue into her mouth. The only thing she was think about was 'Robin, Robin, Robin'. How the hell did this even happen? Well it all started with the girls becoming friends after having to work on a project. From then on they were practically inseparable. It'd only been two weeks since the first time they really interacted and now look where they were; tongues down each others throats. Unfortunately their make-out session was cut short by the sound of the bell ringing. Much to Nancy's dismay she pulled away from Robin. "Call me later" she whispers into her ear, causing Robins face to turn the brightest shade of pink Nancy has even seen. She giggled as she walked out the bathroom and blew the girl a kiss.

Robin decided it would be more fun if she actually went to see Nancy instead of calling her. So she showed up at her house and somehow arrived before she did. She decided knocking on the door would be too obvious, so she went with climbing through the window. Shortly after she got into Nancy's room she got home. Nancy walked up the stairs and entered her room only to see Robin sitting on her bed. "Robin? What're you doing here? And how'd you get in" she asked, completely dumbfounded. "Well I though I'd rather talk to you in person. Oh and I clicked through the window. This caused Nancy to giggle as she shut the door behind her. "Well don't just stand there, come here" Robin said. Nancy obliged, only to be pulled onto the bed by Robin, who kissed her roughly. That quickly turned into a make-out session. When they finally pulled away Robin said "So. Nancy. We need to talk". She grabbed Nancy's face so that they'd look each other in the eyes. "Yes" she asked timidly. Robin noticed tears beginning to well in Nancy's eyes. "Hey, hey it's okay. I got you" she soothed. The brunette sighed and leaned her head onto Robins chest, hugging her tightly. Robin smiled and kissed her on the head. "Hey Nance? Look, I like you. Really like you. And I. .I'd really like to make things official. As in" she paused to take a deep breathe. "Nancy. Will you be my girlfriend" she asked. Nancy slowly lifted her head up to look the other girl in the eyes. "Girlfriend?". Robin inhaled sharply and said "Yes. Girlfriend. You know, that's what I would call you if you let me. I'd like you to be mine. My girlfriend". Nancy tool a second to process this. Holy shit. She was being given the opportunity to be the girl of her dreams girlfriend. Nancy never thought that two gifs dating each other was actually a possibility. "Like you and me? Girlfriends..?" she muttered. "Yeah. Like two girls who really like each other being a thing. An office couple? Girlfriends". "Really? That's a thing? Girls can actually date girls" Nancy asked. "What? Of course they can. Sure it isn't advertised and you might not have seen two girls date before, but it's a thing. Just so you know, you don't by any means have to do this. You don't have to date me. It's okay if you aren't ready". "No! I- I do want to. I really like you too Robin. I just, I never knew two girls dating was actually an option. I always through I was weird. Or wrong. For liking girls. I never heard other girls my age talk about wanting to kiss girls. It was always all about boys. Stupid boys. So I guess I just assumed that two girls dating each other was wrong. But now that I know it isn't wrong.. I would love to be with you. To be your girlfriend" Nancy spat out. "You're serious? You actually want to be with me? Be my girlfriend?" Robin asked. Nancy giggled and said "Of course silly! I really like you. So much". Robin smiled and cupped Nancy's cheeks to bring her in for a kiss. "I guess it's official now. We're girlfriends!" Robin exclaimed. "Yeah. Yeah we are. We're girlfriends" Nancy said.

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