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Robin exhaled a loud, dramatic sigh. "Jesus Robin! That's the tenth time I've head you sigh in the past twenty minutes. What's wrong?" Steve groaned. "Nothing, it doesn't matter. And why are you counting my sighs" Robin snapped. "Woah, woah chill. But it's obviously not nothing" he expressed. "Just girl problems" she mumbled. "I'm goning to need you to elaborate on that. What do you mean by 'girl problems'. Your own problems because you're a girl or problems with girls" Steve asked. Robin dragged her hands down her face dramatically. "Ughhh, problems with girls, why do you care" she countered. "Because Robin, you're my best friend. I want you to be happy". "God damn it Steve. Why do you have to be such a good person" she groaned. "So problems with girls? I can help with that" he remarked, winking at her. "Dear god. I'm afraid you won't be able to help me". "Why? I'm a hit with the ladies" Steve gestured towards himself. "Steve, you don't understand. It's different. You ask out a girl and she rejects you nothing happens. Maybe your ego is a little bruised. But I ask out the wrong girl and boom! I'm the social pariah" she deadpanned. Steve sighed in defeat. "Look Robin, I just wanna help. Okay?" "Yeah, yeah whatever you say Steve" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Who's the girl" he asked. She turned to look him in the eyes and give him a 'what the fuck' look. "God you are relentless. If I tell you will you shut up?" "Yes" "Okay. It's Nancy". Steve jaw dropped to the floor. "As in Nancy Wheeler Nancy?" he questioned, dumbfounded. "Yes. Who else would it be?". "Holy shit". "Yeah holy shit. Now, we might as well get back to work" she sighed as she went back to putting tapes away. "Oh no, we are not done here. You like Nancy? The same Nancy I dated in freshman year?". "Yes. Can we please move in from this conversation" Robin grumbled. "You are not getting away that easily. Let me help you!" "Steve, she's s literally your ex, how can you help me?" she asked. "Because I know her! I know what she likes! Pleaseeee. Let me help you Robin" he begged. "Oh my god. Fine. What's your 'excellent' advice". "Okay well, she really likes flowers. She enjoys study dates. And uh, she likes cuddles" he explained. "Right okay. How do you expect any of that to help me? Besides, she's straight. There's no point in trying.." Robin trailed off. "You don't know that. You shouldn't assume people's sexuality". "Yeah, well I am. Let's face it. I'll never find a girl in Hawkins that is actually into other girls, let alone me. I've always liked straight girls. It's pointless." She grumbled. "Oh come on Robin. Don't be like that. You'll find someone. I know you will" he sympathized. "Okay, whatever you say. Oh look at the time. My shifts over. Later Steve" she stated. Robin waved him goodbye and walked toward the front door. Exciting it she made her way to her bike and began to ride home. Once she arrived she went upstairs and immediately went in her room. She slipped off her shoes and changed out of her work uniform and into comfortable pajamas. She plopped down onto her bed and sighed dramatically once more. She started to drown and her own thoughts. All the negative things she thought about and buried had resurfaced. It became to much and she decided to let it out. She cried into her pillow, cursing herself. She wished she wasn't like this. She wanted to be normal. She ended up crying herself to sleep. She woke up the next morning and looked in the mirror to see her mascara stained face. She wanted to remove all evidence of her crying the night before, so she took shower. Once she finished she put on a pair of cargo jeans and a plain black tank top. As she put on her ragged old red converse she remembered that she'd agreed to spend the day with Nancy. Shit! Robin rushed to the phone. It rang three times before she picked up. "Robin" Nancy asked, sleepiness apparent in her voice. "Nancy! I am so sorry, I totally forgot we planned to hang out today. Are you still up to it" Robin questioned, hopeful. "Yeah! Of course. I'll come pick you up at 11:30?" "Okay! See you later Nance". Robin spent her time waiting for Nancy cleaning her room and reading her book. She heard a car horn sound and closed her book, rushing down the stairs. "Hey Nance!" she exclaimed. "Hi! You ready?". "Yep!" she smiled as she climbed into the passengers seat. When they arrived at the mall they quickly got out of the car. Nancy ran to Robins side, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the building. "We should go there first" she suggested, pointing at a book store. "Ooo okay!". They each picked a book and than they were on their way to roam the mall. An hour had passed and they both found some clothes and even a record. "I'm starving" Nancy remarked as the two girls left the music shop. "Me too. Wanna get ice cream? My treat" "For lunch"? "Well obviously. Come on!" Robin cheered, leading Nancy to the ice cream parlor. "This brings back memories" Robin said, licking her strawberry ice cream."Yeah. Bittersweet" the shorter girl replied. "Right. But it's really just sweet because I'm with you" she smiled, rubbing her thumb over Nancy's fingers. They finished their ice cream and left the mall. They put their stuff in the car. The mall was near a park, so they started going on a walk together, finding a nice place to so sit in the shade. "We should do this more often" she added. "What?" Robin asked. "Go out together". "Go out?" she pondered. "Yes". "Like a date?" "Yes Robin. Like a date. Unless I'm reading this wrong". "No no! You're definitely reading it right! I'd love to go on a date with you" "Good. Because I really like you" Nancy responded, cupping the other girls face. "I really like you too". That was it. It happened. They slowly learned forward and connected their lips, sharing a sweet kiss. "I like you so much Nancy" Robin smiled, hands still around the other girls neck. "Me too". They spent a while longer in the park, kissing and enjoying each others company. Eventually it got late and Robin had to return home. That night she fell asleep with a smile one her face. The next day she got up and went to work, excited to tell Steve. "Steve, Steve!" She screamed as his car pulled into her driveway. "Woah, someone's in a better mood" he chuckled. She climbed into his car and began telling him everything on the way to work. "And then we kissed! We kissed" she exclaimed, practically jumping out of her seat. "Oh my god! I told you!" he laughed. They finally arrived at work and the day went by like it usually did. Robin and Steve talking about girls and messing round. Actually helping when the very few customers that entered. When their shift finally ended Robin decided to tell  Steve what's been on her mind since she and Nancy kissed. "Should I ask her to be my girlfriend" Robin asked nervously. "Yeah! Go for it. You got this Robin. Remember my excellent advice" he laughed. "Yeah, yeah. See ya Steve". Two hours later she stood on the Wheelers doorstep, a bouquet of roses in her hands. She knocked on the door only for Nancy to answer it. She quickly stepped outside and shut the door behind her. "Hey Robin" she smiled. "Hey Nancy. I actually wanted to ask you something" "Go ahead". Robin exhaled. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She asked, holding out the flowers. "Oh my god yes! A million times yes!" Nancy shouted, jumping into Robins arms. "I love you Nancy". "I love you too Robin" she responded, kissing her on the lips. Steve was right. Nancy really did like Flowers's.

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