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A/N: i cannot believe im writing this wtf. Istg im gonna cry. Anyways, my friend told me to write this so..

TW: smut

Robin and Nancy have been dating for 8 months and recently Nancy's been feeling some tension. Not like the bad kind. More like the sexual kind. She's been far to scared too say anything about it to Robin, afraid that she'd think she was moving to fast. Her biggest fear was making the other girl uncomfortable. She'd much rather keep those feeings to herself than risk damaging their relationship.

It was a Friday night and Robin had promised to take Nancy out on a date. The Wheeler girl decided on wearing a skin tight, black skirt with a matching turtleneck. She also wore a few bracelets and a necklace that Robin gave her on their first date. She added some light makeup before she heard a familiar knock on the door. She instantly rushed downstairs to greet her girlfriend. "Robin!" she exclaimed, kissing her cheek. "Hi Nance. You look beautiful" she responded, hugging her. "You're talking. You're the beautiful one. Actually wait no. You're beautiful and handsome. My handsome girl". Nancy giggled at Robins reaction. Her face turned a dark shade of red and she was at a loss for words. "We should get going now huh?" Nancy questioned. "Y-yeah. Let's um. Do that". On the drive to the restaurant Nancy put her hand on Robins thigh, causing the girl to flush. "What's with you today? Complimenting the hell out of me and being extra touchy? I mean I'm not complaining." Robin said. "Nothings wrong with me. I'm just showing how much I love you" she said with a wink. "Whatever you say".

Once they arrived at the restaurant Robin went to Nancy's side and held open the car door open for her, doing the same at the restaurants entrance. They went to the local family diner and ordered basic meals like hamburgers and hotdogs with a shake to accompany it. They quickly finished their food and than asked the waiter for a second straw so that they could share the drink, lady and the tramp style. Robin blushed when their noses touched whilst drinking the shake. She'd been close to Nancy before, closer than they were right now. But for some reason she was extra flustered by it. Robin guessed it had something to do with what Nancy was wearing. A rather showy black outfit , perfectly outlining her curves. Robin thought she looked like a goddess.
When they finished their drink they payed the bill and left.

Robin than drove them back to her house to cuddle and talk. Once they got there they headed upstairs to Robins room and went to her bed. Nancy spooned Robin in her arms, admiring the details of her face. "You're so beautiful Robin. How did I get so lucky?". "I don't know" she giggled. "You're hot" the taller girl remarked. "My pretty girl" Robin said in what Nancy thought sounded like a lustful tone. "I love you Robin". "I love you more pretty girl". Robin remarked. Nancy smiled and kissed her head. "I should do your makeup!". "Ughhh noo" Robin complained. "Pleaseeeee". Robin couldn't resist Nancy's puppy eyes, so she gave in. The smaller girl went to the bathroom to collect her makeup supplies. Once she returned she got back onto the bed and climbed on top of Robin. This caused Robin to become a flustered mess. Nancy Wheeler was on top of her! Holy shit! She was definitely internally panicking. "Is this okay? Me being on top of you?" Nancy asked, wanting permission. "Yes. Especially when you word it like that" she said, winking at her. "I- shut up" she replies as she took out the mascara and applied it to Robins eyes. Then she grabbed eyeshadow and put it on her eyes. "Ughh are you done yet" she complained. "No. Almost" she said as she got out the lipstick. Once she finally finished doing Robins makeup she announced that she was finished. "Oh thank god. That was torturous" she exaggerated. "Oh come on it's not that bad. If I kissed you would you feel better" she asked. "Yes. Definitely". "Okay" she smiled. She leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. "Fuck. you smudged my lipstick" Robin mumbled. "Whoops. My bad. Here let me fix it" Nancy said as she leaned in to kiss her again, switching their positions . "I have an idea. Since you already smeared your lipstick you should get rid of all of it. Maybe by kissing me more" she smirked. "I like the thought of that" she replied as she kissed her again. She decided to draw kisses down her neck and sucking hickeys into it. "Ahh Robin" she wined. "Did I get it off" she asked. "Yes. But you should also get me off". "I- what? Wait you want to.." Robin pondered. "I mean I do. But only if you want to. I won't do anything you don't want to do". "No no! I want to! I mean. Uh" Robin muttered. "It's fine Robin" she laughed. "Okay. So uh. Can I.." she asked, motioning to the smaller girls shirt. "Yes". Robin quickly got to work. Gently lifting the hem of Nancy's shirt higher and higher until it was all the way off. "Holy fucking shit. You're hot. Mine. All mine" Robin rasped, taking a moment to stare at the other girl who was only in a bra. Nancy couldn't even formulate a response, instead smiling awkwardly at her. Robin continued planting kisses down Nancy's body, finally reaching her chest. She planted kiss over each of her nipples causing her to moan in response. Robin poked at the hem of her bra, initially asking for permission to remove it. Nancy nodded. Robin didn't hesitate even a little to remove the cloth. Her mouth gaped at the sight of the other girls exposed chest. "You're so fucking beautiful" she said in a husky voice. She kissed her up and down, eventually kissing where she wanted her. Directly on her boobs, causing her to moan loudly. She continued kissing her as her hands moved further down her body until she reached the hem of her skirt. "May I" she asked. "Please" she whispered. She proceeded to remove her skirt, marveling at her curves. She moved her hands further down Nancy's body, edging closer and closer to her sensitive spot. She moved her finger, tracing circles around her clit. "Ahh fuck! Robin!"she moaned. "More". Robin had never been more happy to fulfill a request. She traced her fingers over the smaller girls opening, ghosting her entrance. Suddenly she inserted two fingers, slowly pumping the digits in and out. "Ahhh oh my god" Nancy practically screamed. "Dose the feel good pretty girl" Robin asked in a suductive tone. "Yes. But can you add another finger and thrust faster" she replied. "Of course my love " Robin smirked as she pumped her fingers in and out at an impressive speed. "Ohhhh. How are you so good at this" she moaned. "Practice" the taller girl responded. It wasn't much longer until Nancy came. Robin moved her head down to the other girls cunt and licked up the mess she made."Thank you Robin. The was the best sex I've ever had" Nancy praised. "Of course my love" she replied. "Should we get cleaned up?" she suggested. "Yeah". The two girls had a very sentimental moment taking a shower together. Robin ran her fingers through the smaller girls hair, kissing her passionately under the running water. Once they fished Robin helped her girlfriend get dressed and than they cuddled. "Mi amor, I'm so lucky to have you" Robin smiled. "I love you so much Robin". "I love you more pretty girl". she replied as she dozed off to sleep in her arms.

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