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I sat there, completely mesmerized. She was so beautiful. "Mine" she says and kisses my lips. How did this happen you ask? How am I —Robin Buckley— dating Nancy Wheeler? Honestly if you told me a year ago that I'd be dating the Nancy Wheeler I would have laughed in your face. Hell, I would've been shocked if someone told me I even talked to her. I met her through Steve Harrington in 1985. He kept on pestering me about how I 'needed to make more friends' and that I 'have to meet her'. Eventually I got sick of hearing him constantly bothering me so I gave in. I'd obviously already heard of her, I mean everyone knows Nancy Wheeler. But I'd be meeting her formally this time. Steve told me to meet him the next day at 11:30am at the local park. Albeit I was reluctant I agreed anyways. Maybe it would be good for me to meet someone new. I decided to wear my favorite par of jeans, they were a dusty light blue color and had two rips in them. One on the right knee and the other on the left thigh. I accompanied them with a sweater that had a few different shades of brown in a stripped pattern and a black belt. As well as a few rings and a necklace. Last but not least I wore my red converse. With that I was ready to go. I hopped on my bike and rode to the park. Once I arrived I was greeted with the sight of a familiar car —Steve's car— and a second car that I didn't recognize. I figured it was Nancy's though. I dismissed the thought and parked my bike. I proceeded to walk toward the park benches where I saw Steve and Nancy. "Hi" I muttered under my breathe as I walked closer to them. "Hello! I'm Nancy Wheeler" she responded with a sweet smile. She wore a pretty blue shirt, that looked more like a bra than anything and a pretty plaid skirt.

Nancy's outfit:

Nancy's outfit:

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"Robin. Robin Buckley" I muttered. 'Holy shit. She's gorgeous' I thought. "Steve Harrington. But you but already know that" he beamed. I shook my head at his stupidity. "Oh my god dingus. We know" I rolled my eyes at him, causing Nancy to laugh. Oh my god. That sent the butterflies in my stomach to make an appearance and crash into my rib cage. I'm sure I was blushing. "So um.." I hesitated, I was trying to prompt Steve to talk. "Right! So um. I wanted my two best friends to meet each other!" Steve explained. "Okay? Steve can we get on with this. Did you invite us here to sit in awkward silence " I accused. "What? No! I um. Okay I'll admit I didn't really have a plan. We could, play a game?" He suggested. "Okay! What're we gonna have play" Nancy asked. "Truth or dare?" he suggested. "Sure, why not . I'll go first" I took a minute to clear my throat before saying "Steve, truth or dare". "Um truth" he replied, it sounded more like question than an answer. "Okay. Is it true that you've been on a date with half the girls in our grade". I tried to contain my laughter as I watched his face scrunch up in annoyance. "Ugh why would you ask me that" he groaned. "Answer the question". "Fineee. Yeah, it's true" he grumbled. "I knew it! Okay your turn Harrington" I laughed. "Robin. Truth or dare?" I rub my chin to make it look like I was deep in thought. "Dare". "I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room" he said, probably hoping I'd kiss him to boost his ego. "Oh god. Whyyy" I complained. "You have too" he challenged. "Fine" I sighed. He leaned his head towards me, thinking I'd kiss his cheek. I shook my head and pushed him away as I turned toward Nancy. I gave her a look as if asking "is this okay" and she nodded. I took a deep breathe as I leaned in to kiss her cheek. As soon as I made contact with her soft skin I felt my heart skip a beat. Nancy's let out a small gasp when I kissed her. "Wow, I am offended" he pouted, causing me to laugh at him. "Okay, it's Nancys turn now" I informed them. "Robin. Truth or dare" she asked. "Truth" I replied. "Do you have a crush on Steve" she asked. "I- what. No ew! Oh my god gross, I can't believe you'd think I would be into him" I laughed. "Oh. I thought you guys were dating" she explained. "Oh my god no! Even if I did like men I wouldn't date him, I-" I stopped talking when I realized what I said. "Shit. Um-" I started panicking. "Hey, no it's okay. I'm not mad or homophobic or something" she said as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "Wait, you-you're not?". "No of course not. I like you for you Robin. Your sexuality doesn't define you" she smiles sweetly. "Thank you Nance" I sighed as I leaned my head on her neck. "Well I obviously support you" Steve remarked. I smiled and laughed at him. "Well it looks like you two are getting along well. I've done my job. I should probably leave. See ya ladies" he spoke before leaving. After he left I decided I should probably talk to her. "Thank you". She looked at me like I just said the weirdest thing in the world. "For what" she laughed, whilst playing with my hair. "You know. For not freaking out when I told you I'm a lesbian. Most people get scared and leave me. Than never talk to me again" I replied. "Oh. Why would I freak out? Like I said I like you for who you are as a person. Who you love doesn't matter to me" she smiles. "Aww thanks" I smiled. We spent the rest of that night talking and laughing. That just the start of a beautiful friendship. Well that friendship quickly turned into us being more than just friends. We had been friends for about six months when it happened. I developed a crush on her after the first month of being friends. Anyways one day she, Steve and I went to the beach. I was trying extremely hard not to freak out, knowing I'd see Nancy in a swimsuit. I was not ready for that. I tired to keep my composure but when she came out of the changing room I just about died. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but holy shit. I think my heart skipped a few beats. She was drop dead gorgeous. She wore a yellow bikini with little white flowers on it. Adorable. "Robin" she asked, waving a hand in front of my face and laughing. "Huh?" I said. "You're staring" she laughed. That caused my face to burn red. "God you're so pretty" I muttered. I thought I said that under my breathe but clearly I was wrong. I watched her face turn a light pink color and her face light up with joy. "Thank you. You're not to bad yourself" she giggles as she playfully slapped my arm and went off to swim. Steve of course, was watching the whole interaction I knew I'd get teased constantly because of him. I sighed as I took of my shoes and ran into the water to join Nancy and I accidentally splashed her. "Oh my god! How dare you splash me" she huffed in mock offense. "Whoops" I laughed. "It's not funny" she pouted. "Is too" I snickered. "Oh yeah? Still funny now" she asked as splashed me, dousing my hair in water. "How dare you" I yelled as I splashed her back. We ended up getting into a splash fight. By the end of the night we were all exhausted. "I hate to do this but I should probably leave" Steve said as he walked to his car. "Bye Steve!" Me and Nancy shouted in unison. Once he left Nancy grabbed my hand and led me to the sand. She grabbed a stick and than drew a heart. She put our initials in it. "R + N. So that everyone knows how much I love you" she smiled as she put her hands on her hips to show how proud she was. "Aww Nance. I love you too" I said as I hugged her. That was the first of many I love you-s we said to each other. We had our first kiss on the bed in her room. She had invited me for a sleepover at her house. Once I arrived she quickly opened the door, hugged me, and dragged me up to her room. "Woah, someone's excited to see me" I laughed. "Am not" she protested. "Bullshit". She sighed in defeat. "Okayyy, fine. I am. Just a little" she giggled. "Soo what're we gonna do" I asked. "Hmm. We couldddd, play a game? 20 questions maybe? I'm not really sure". "Okay! 20 questions sounds fun! I wanna go first. I find something you guess". "Deal. Alright. Is itttt. Hmm? Pretty?" she asked. "Yes". "Okay. Is it my poster" she asked pointing at the Tom Cruze poster. "Oh my god no! 18 questions left" I replied. "Is it one of my trinkets". "Still no" I sung. She sighed loudly. "Is it you" she asked. "I- w-what no! I-" she laughed at my stuttering. "You are pretty though. Ugh I give up. There's nothing else that's pretty in here" she complained. "Have you seen yourself? I was talking about you!". "Oh. Wait? Me?". "Yeah you" I laughed. She smiled at me and than tackled me onto the bed, landing on top of me. My face flushed. She noticed and than climbed off of me. "Right so. We should probably do something else" she muttered. "Yeah. So what do you wanna do" I asked. "I was thinking maybe just talk?" she suggested. "I like that idea. What do you want to talk about?". "You. You know, because I talk about myself too much and I wanna know more about you!" she exclaims in a nervous tone. "What's there to learn? I'm pretty boring. I'm a lesbian, I play trumpet in band, my best friend is Steve Harrington. What
else is there" I deadpanned. "Oh come on Robin. You're so much more than that. You're smart, really smart. You're really good at drawing. I think. You're pretty. Very pretty. Like out of this world pretty" she raved. "Oh? You really think so?" I questioned. "Well yeah. I mean have you looked in a mirror? You're the most beautiful person, inside and out" Nancy remarked. I felt my face burn red at the notion that Nancy Wheeler thinks I'm pretty. "I- um. That's the nicest thing anyones ever said to me. But you're the pretty one!" I mumbled. "Is it? I'm surprised more people haven't commented about how magnificent you are. I mean you're well you. What's not to like about that" she asked. "Yeah. But I'm
Sure there's plenty of things not to like about me. I'm loud, I talk too much, I'm annoying, I have zero sense of social cu-" as I was about to say 'social cues' I got cut off. Nancy grabbed my face and turned it towards her, initially cutting me off. "Shut up. You're perfect" she said. "May I" she asked, her eyes darting from my lips to my eyes. "I- um. Yes?". She smiled and laughed as she closed the distance between us. Her lips were so soft. She was so gentle. It was perfect. "I've been meaning to shut you up with a kiss" she remarked as she pulled away. "I- what?". She laughed before saying "You talk a lot, sometimes to much. Only when you talk to much shit about yourself. I love you Robin. I'm guessing since you kissed me back you feel the same, yeah?" she asked. I simply nodded. "Good. Will you be my girlfriend Robin Buckley". My heart felt like it was going to met. "Yea! Oh my god. Nancy, I've had a crush on you for months! I was just far to afraid to do anything about it. Be yes, I would love to be your girlfriend" I rambled. "Okay!" she said simply as she kissed me again. Our first date was at a local restaurant, after that we went to the same beach we were at the other day. We waded in the water and than kissed and cuddled on a blanket on the beach. "I love you. This time I'm gonna write our initials in a heart, in the sand but it means something else. A symbol that we're girlfriends. A constant reminder of how much I love you" she remarked as she went to pick up a stick and draw our initials and a heart on the sand."Its perfect" I smiled. "Just like you" she said. I sighed. She's so adorably cheesy. "I love you Nancy Wheeler" I told her as I squeezed her hand. "I love you Robin Buckley". And there you have it. The story on how I met the girl of my dreams and somehow ended up dating her.

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