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cover art for this chapter is mine!

tw: smut, swearing, homophobia

Robin and Nancy lay on the couch in the Wheeler's basement, Robin's head resting against Nancy's chest, her gangly legs sprawled off the couch. Nancy had one arm wrapped around Robin's back, the other gently stroking her hair. Robin sighed contently, happy to be in her girlfriend's arms. "Nance?" she asked. "Yeah?". "I love you" Robin said, a giddy smile on her face. Nancy laughed and said "I love you". Robin giggled and pulled herself up a bit, just enough to kiss the tip of Nancy's nose. Nancy smiled and kissed Robin's forehead. Suddenly they heard Karen Wheeler's voice call out "GIRLS! DINNERS READY". "COMING" Nancy shouted back. "Aww no, I don't wanna leave. I'm cozy here, "Robin complained. "Yeah, yeah me too. Come on" she said. Robin sighed. "Fine. but you have to give me a kiss first" she pouted. Nancy shook her head and said "You are such a dork" before planting a kiss on Robin's lips. "Okay, we have to go upstairs now," Nancy said, her face bright red.

"Took you long enough!" Mike grumbled once the girls arrived at the dinner table. "Michael! Be nice" Karen scolded. "Yeah Mike, be nice," Nancy said in a mocking tone. He rolled his eyes. "Come girls, sit" Karen ordered. "Thank you for having me over Mrs.Wheeler!" Robin smiled. "Oh honey, anytime! And you can call me Karen. Any of Nancys friends are friends of mine!". Nancy rolled her eyes. "Mommmmm, can you please not." she huffed. Robin laughed, she thought Nancy's pouty face was adorable. "Um mom. About Robin" Nancy started. This caused Ted, Holly, and Mike to turn their heads towards her. "I- um.." she stuttered. "Yes?". Nancy took a deep breath. "Robin and I.. We're.. Um. We're.." she sputtered. "You're what?" Karen asked. "We're dating! She's my girlfriend!" Nancy shouted. Ted nearly spit out his drink. Mike fake gagged and Holly clapped. "She i-" and before Karen could finish her sentence Ted interrupted. "WHAT? I will not have a dyke of a daughter! You cannot be serious Nancy! I will not have my daughter dating another girl. Absolutely not. This is disgusting. Repulsive. Nancy, I want you to break up with this girl right now!". Nancy was taken aback by her fathers shouting, Tears sprouted in her eyes. "W-what?No! I love Robin!" she protested. "Ted! I can't believe you! Can't you just support your daughter like a good father would? Nancy deserves to be happy!" Karen yelled back. "Bullshit! I will not have my daughter dating some dyke!". That was Nancy's breaking point. She stood up and slapped her father across the face. At this point Mike had taken Holly to a different room. He knew this wasn't going anywhere good. Ted stood there in shock and then slapped Nancy back. "You will NOT disrespect me like that young lady!" he shouted. "Okay okay, this is getting out of hand!" Karen yelled. "Nancy break up with this girl right now!" he commanded. For the first time since the outburst happened Robin spoke. "STOP! Please stop!" she shouted, tears rolling down her face. "Stop it, please. Please, please don't hurt Nancy! I love her more than anything in this world and I would never forgive myself if she got hurt!" she sobbed. Nancy squeezed Robin's hand. "Dad..don't make me do this" she cried. "I will do what I want. You are going to break up with this girl right here and right now!" Ted yelled "No! I won't! Why can't you fucking listen to me! I love her! I love Robin. I don't care if you don't like it. This is my life, not yours. Robin's my girlfriend and I do not plan on changing that anytime soon. And to think that my own father would call me a slur, slap me, and disrespect me. And you even went as far as to call my girlfriend a slur. Don't you even think about talking to Robin that way again. She has been nothing but the best to me. Robin is the best girlfriend in the world. She's sweet, smart, caring, funny, and incredibly charming. And I love her. So no, I will not break up with her. You can scream at me and be angry all you want but I am not leaving her." Nancy said. "Fine. Have it your way. But you are not my daughter. I will not have a dyke for my daughter." he huffed. "Fuck you!" Nancy shouted. "Ted!" Karen shouted. "Girls, please get out of here. Nancy, I will have a talk with your father." And so they did.

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