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Robin sighed as she laid in her bed, looking up a the ceiling and contemplating her life. Her thoughts drifted away to the idea of love. More specifically her love life. Which seemed hopeless. Being a lesbian in the 1980's wasn't exactly easy or practical. Not to mention nearly every girl she's ever had a crush on has been straight. It was hopeless, she thought so at least. Honestly, she'd given up on love. That was until she met a very a special girl. She didn't expect it. Not even a little bit. Never would she ever had expected to meet someone like her.

She was having a particularly rough day and excused herself to the go to the bathroom. She made her way down the corridor, fighting to keep the tears that were biting her eyes from spilling out. She pushed the door open and went into the first stall, slamming it shut and leaning against the wall. Slowly sinking down to the floor and finally letting the tears drop. She held herself close, legs up against chest with her head resting on her knees. She froze up when she heard the bathroom door open. Trying to keep herself unnoticed she tried to quit her  sobs but to no avail. She heard a knock on the stall door followed by a soft and caring voice. "Are you okay?" the voice asked. "No" she muttered. "Do you want to talk? You don't have to, but I'm here if you need me" she said on a smooth and soft voice. "Yeah. Here, I'll let you in" she muttered as she fumbled with the lock, tears still rushing down her face. "What happened" she asked. "I don't really want to talk about it. I've already disturbed you enough. I'm probably bothering you " she replied, wiping a tear off her face. She sighed and sat down next to Robin, locking the door in the process. She wrapped her arms around the weeping girl, gently applying pressure. "You aren't a brother to me, I promise" she soothed. "Promise" Robin questioned. "Promise. Now. What's wrong" she asked. Robin took a deep breath. "I've just had a bad day. My mom constantly reminds me that I'm a nuisance and I guess it finally got to me. Than I failed another test, I know she'll be pissed about that. Overall I've had a pretty shitty day. You know, kids continuously picking on me and pissing me off" she said between cries. "Oh. I'm so sorry. I can help you with your test if you'd like? Just tell me what subject it is and I can help you study. And as for the assholes that have been picking on you, ignore them. Before you say it, I know that it sounds cheesy but I promise it works. I used to let them get to me but then I stopped and I was a happier person overall" the stranger replied. "You'd really do that for me? Oh and it's not cheesy. I'll try to take that into consideration, ignoring them" Robin said. "Yes!". "It's a math test by the way" she said. "Okay! I'm pretty good at math. We can study at my house after school?" she suggested. "Yeah okay! I'll probably need your address than" Robin responded: "Right, right. Okay, I'll write it down for you. Follow me" she said, Grabbing Robins hand and leading her to her locker. "Give me a second, I gotta get a piece of paper" she explained. Once she opened it she took out a pencil and wrote down her address and house phone number. "Here you go" she exclaimed. "Thanks.. wait I totally forgot! Oh my god, I don't even know your name! I'm Robin Buckley" she stated. "Oh yeah" she laughed. "I'm Nancy Wheeler" she smiled. "Okay! Thank you Nancy" Robin beamed. "Anytime! See ya after school" she replied as she walked off to her next class.

At 3:00 their school day was finally over. Well Robin was on her way to the parking lot to walk to her house she heard someone call her name."Hey! Robin" Nancy shouted from across the lot. "Nancy, hi" Robin yelled back as she walked towards the girl. "Do you need a ride? I have 2 bus passes" Nancy offered. "Yeah I do. Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden" she responded. "Yes! And I already told you, you're not a burden" she smiles. "Okay" Robin replied. The two girls made their way to the bus stop, waiting for the next bus to arrive. Once it did they got on and after about 20 minutes they arrived at the Wheeler residence.

Nancy opened the front door, hearing her mothers voice echo through the hallway. "Hello Nancy! How was your day" she asked well waking to greet her daughter. "Hi! My day was good" she responded. "Good. Who's your friend". "Oh um, I'm Robin" she said, introducing herself. "Well nice to meet you Robin" she smiled. "You too". "Well you girls have fun" Nancy's mom said as she started walking back to the kitchen where she was making dinner. That night Nancy helped Robin study for her math test retake. This consisted of the girls doing around an hour of actual school work and another hour and a half just talking and laughing.

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