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I was on my way to visit my girlfriend Nancy. We've been dating for 7 months and it had been the best 7 months of my life. Today I went to visit her since we normally have a date every weekend but last weekend I had to go spend time with my family, so I couldn't see her.

When I got to her house I eagerly knocked on the door and to my surprise Nancy wasn't the one to answer, it was Mike. Huh. He didn't say a word and just let me inside. I decided it probably wasn't a big deal so I just went up to her room. I was about to knock on the door, I didn't want to walk in on her or something so I always knock. But I stopped because I heard muffled sobs. I gently knocked on the door and she shouted "go away mom!". "Nance, it's me hun" I said. "Robin? What're you doing here?" she asked. "I just want wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend, can I come in?". "Yeah" she said, waking towards the door.

As soon as she opened it she practically collapsed into my arms. "I missed you" she whispered, her voice muffled by my shirt. "Aww baby.. I love you. Why're you crying?" I asked. "I just.. I missed you so much. And I probably sound pathetic. I just love you so much. And the time without you here has been so shitty. My mom's been too busy taking care of Mike and Holly to pay any attention to me. Dad's just been shitty as usual, always bitching at me. He lashed out on me for coming out and publicly showing people that I'm lesbian. He hates me for it and I really wish he didn't because all I've ever wanted was to make him be proud of me but I can't even do that. Sometimes I wish I could leave this house. I'd much rather spend the rest of my life somewhere else. It's be even better if that somewhere else was with you" she sobbed. "Oh Nancy.. you don't sound pathetic. Vulnerability is important, you'll always be strong. I'm sorry about you parents, love. And honestly? I'd love for you to live with me. I mean I'm living alone in an apartment after all, some company would be nice. Especially with my beautiful girlfriend. I love you Nancy." I said. "Robs.." she trailed off. "Nance?" I asked. "Oh my fucking good, I love you so fucking much. You'd really let me live with you?" she asked. I cupped her face and said "Of course love, I'd do anything for you". She hugged me tighter. "I love you baby" I told her. "I love you Robin. What did I ever do to be with you? How the hell did I get so lucky? I certainly don't deserve you" she said. "Nancy" I said, turning her face to look at me. "You do deserve me. I adore you. You didn't need to do anything other than be yourself to be with me. If you ask me I'm the lucky one. I mean have you. As my girlfriend? I would have flipped my shit  two years ago I'd you told me I'd end up dating Nancy Wheeler. I love you more than life itself" I rambled. "Robin.. I love you" she said and buried her head into my chest. I cupped her cheeks and looked her in the eyes. I love you so, so much. Nancy. You are the love of my life. I promise I'll be there for you until the day I die. I love you Nancy Wheeler" I said and than kissed her lips. I love how her lips feel on mine. They're so soft and warm and they fit perfectly with the shape of my lips. Like puzzle pieces. We fit perfectly together. Kissing her is like taking a shot. It sends a surge of electricity through me. It's honestly one of the best feeling in the world. Eventually we had to pull apart for air. "I love you too Robin Buckley" she said and pecked me on the lips again. "I love you darling" I tell her. She smiles and tightens her grip around my waist. "So pretty my love" I whisper in her ear. "You're perfect" she says, tracing my hips with her fingers. I can feel goose bumps appear as a reaction to her touch. It's so soothing. "Hun, you're ruining the sentimental moment. Stop making me want you" I say. "Why not? I just love you so much. Besides I'm okay. I know I'm the luckiest girl in the world be cause I have you as my girlfriend. I'll love you forever Robin Buckley". "I'll love you forever Nancy Wheeler".

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